‘Save Me’ is a British thriller revolving around Nelson “Nelly” Rowe (Lennie James), a deadbeat whose life spins on its head when his estranged daughter, Jody (Indeyarna Donaldson-Holness), is abducted, more so, because fingers are pointed at him. Together with Jody’s mother, an old-flame, Claire (Suranne Jones), he searches all over London for her. Created and written by Lennie James, the series garnered appreciation for the authenticity of its sets and the compelling storyline, which grips the viewers.
It showcases a very different part of London, devoid of glamour but packed with drama, which is especially intriguing. Like Patrick Schweitzer, the producer, rightly said that no studio would have been able to replace the effect that real locations have. It definitely makes us ask, “Where was this filmed?” Well, let us take a look!
Save Me Filming Locations
The story unfolds in south east London in the Borough of Lewisham. The series shows us London from an unusual lens, where the vibrancy of a working-class London is celebrated. Lennie James wanted to set the series in an area familiar to him, which would bring authenticity on screen. Also, the scenes are filmed in real locations, and these are the places you see on the screen.
London, England
‘Save Me’ is mostly based in the neighborhoods of Lewisham, Southwark, Lambeth, Islington, and Camden. In Lewisham is the fictional estate called The Towers in Deptford, which is home to Nelly. Nearby is his second home, The Palm Tree pub, which is also the focal point for the characters in the neighborhood. Interestingly, it is not in the same area, but you will find the real Palm Tree pub in Mile End, which even goes by the same name.
The public housing where most of the story unfolds is filmed in southeast London flats for the exterior shots, but the interiors scenes were created inside an abandoned flat complex in Stratford. Aerial shots using drones were filmed at Silverlock Estate in Southwark. Special permission was required, and the people were welcoming and cooperated immensely during filming; public spaces in the area were used as well. But the most dramatic and significant scenes have been filmed at Lewisham itself, on Deptford High Street in particular.
Claire lives with her husband in the Borough of Surbiton, which is a more sophisticated area as compared to Lewisham, where she lived earlier. Various scenes include some more localities and landmarks in the series, such as Arbuthnot Road, Goding Street in Lambeth, and Mildmay Club in Hackney. But Lennie’s personal favorite is the sunset scene in Putney.
Read More: Best British Crime Shows
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