‘1000-lb Best Friends’ revolves around a group of best friends who are united in their pursuit to fight morbid obesity in order to lead healthier lives. Focusing on Meghan Crumpler, Tina Arnold, Vannessa Cross, and Ashely Sutton, the show follows the friends as they try and take on their fight against obesity with hard work, humor, and determination. They are also each other’s most significant support and help themselves get adjusted to rapid dietary and lifestyle changes. With fans now interested in knowing more about the main cast members, we decided to dive in and find out where Tina Arnold is at present!
Who Is Tina Arnold?
Tina Arnold has quite an impressive professional career and rose to fame after writing a powerful piece titled ‘Body Shaming in Today’s World,’ which was published in the Henry Neighbor Newspaper in 2017. In the same year, she even signed up for a one-year Medical Coding and Billing course from DeVry University in Westminster, Colorado. After earning her certificate, Tina took to writing self-published books and soon found a niche audience for her content. In 2020, she obtained an Associate’s degree in Early Childhood Education and Teaching from Ashford University.
Having lived with obesity issues for quite a long time, Tina earned her popularity after speaking up for body positivity. Apart from her piece in the Henry Neighbor Newspaper, she has also contributed to Barrow News-Journal; her piece titled ‘Confronting the stereotypes surrounding people who are overweight’ was published in 2021. It is outstanding how Tina’s professional life has kept evolving.
Tina’s long-time friendship with castmate Meghan Crumpler brought her into ‘1000-lb Best Friends,’ and she mentioned how the show made her look at things in a different light. Tina claimed that she has always lived in a bubble surrounded only by people she loves, but the show helped her realize that it was okay to have flaws and be herself. Reports say that Tina’s weight loss journey began back in 2021, and she even lost around 80 pounds before gaining it all back.
However, determined to turn her life around, Tina has taken up the challenge of healthy living and is fully committed to fulfilling it. Speaking to People magazine, Tina insisted that she wants a healthy life in order to be there for her loved ones. She said, “I want to be able to not only be here longer for my family but to be able to see my kids’ kids. My youngest is eight years old, and I’ve sat so much of his life out on the sideline, not able to run around and play with him.”
Where Is Tina Arnold Now?
At present, Tina Arnold resides in Hoschton, Georgia, and is quite a family person. Her social media account is full of beautiful memories she makes with her loved ones. The reality star shares a close bond with her husband, Johnnie Arnold, and their kids. With Tina now persistent to live a healthy life, especially for her close ones, she seems wholly committed to changing her lifestyle. Keeping her loved ones on loop, she often documents her weight loss journey on Instagram.
Moreover, Meghan Crumpler is also immensely supportive of her friend, and together, they are committed to finding a better future. Besides Tina’s popularity as a writer, her new career as a reality TV show and her podcast alongside Meghan will surely warrant even more success for her in the future.
Read More: Where is Meghan Crumpler From 1000-lb Best Friends Now?
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