Created by Nick Cannon, ‘Wild ‘N Out ‘ (AKA ‘Nick Cannon Presents: Wild ‘n Out’) is a sketch comedy and improv game show that pits two groups of comedians against each other as they compete over a series of funny improvisational games. The teams are led by Nick Cannon and a celebrity guest judge every season. It boasts an enthusiastic crowd who love watching the teams beef it out on a compact stage, creating an intimate yet thrilling vibe. Hence, the live audience can witness Cannon and his hilarious entourage up close due to less space. Now, if you are wondering where the show’s filming takes place, we have updates for you!
Wild ‘N Out Filming Locations
Upon its debut in 2005, this engaging Nick Cannon creation was filmed in Los Angeles. However, it has been shuffling its production site over its 15 seasons. Despite the fact that MTV shows are primarily filmed in New York City or Los Angeles, ‘Wild ‘N Out’ breaks the norm. Over the years, the filming of the show has taken place over New York City, Los Angeles, and Atlanta. Let’s dive into more details!
Los Angeles, California
‘Wild ‘N Out’ seasons 1 through 4 were filmed in Los Angeles. The city is a common filming location for many MTV shows such as ‘The Hills’ and ‘The Real World: Los Angeles.’ The country’s entertainment industry is concentrated in the City of Angels, which is home to major production companies like Warner Bros., Columbia Pictures, Paramount Pictures, Universal Pictures, and 20th Century Studios. It is one reason why filmmakers and actors choose to live there, helping them cut down on travel expenses.
New York City, New York
The production for the fifth season opened in New York City. They continued to film there till the seventh edition. Despite relocating to a different place for season eight, the team returned to NYC to film the ninth installment, which was filmed at Playstation Theater in New York City.
Nick was adamant about bringing the show on Broadway due to his belief that some of the cast members require “theater experience.” Before the ninth season, Nick and a few other cast members went to Times Square looking for another addition to the cast. It turned into a competition series titled ‘So You Wanna Wild Out.’ Seasons 10 and 11 were filmed in Brooklyn.
Atlanta, Georgia
The producers moved the show to Atlanta in season 12 because Nick Cannon has many projects based in the city. Although fans were shocked at the unexpected transfer, Nick clarified that the culture is stationed there, and its importance in the history of racial politics is immense. In addition, Nick and the producers have been benefiting from moving to Atlanta.
By filming in Atlanta, the production is eligible for a tax incentive that is offered to local television and film productions besides other perks. Many cast members are residents of Atlanta, and the city is also big on hip-hop which defines Nick Cannon’s show. Hence, it seems like the show is here to stay. Season 15 of ‘Wild ‘N Out’ was filmed from December 9, 2019, to December 18, 2019.
Jersey City, New Jersey
For the seventeenth season of the show, the team moved the production base from Atlanta, Georgia, to the state of New Jersey, particularly in Jersey City. The city lies in Hudson County, in the northeastern part of the state. Filming commenced in the region on October 14, 2021, and concluded within a few days on October 25, 2021.
Read More: Is Wild ‘N Out Scripted?
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