Originally titled ‘Entre Tierras,’ Netflix’s ‘Between Lands’ is a Spanish drama series based on the Italian series ‘La Sposa’ created by Valia Santella. Set in the 1960s, the narrative revolves around an Andalusian woman named María who has selflessly only thought of her family ever since her father passed away. She now decides to sacrifice her desires by accepting a marriage proposal from a wealthy landowner in La Mancha to keep her sister well-protected, save her family, and secure her family’s present as well as the future.
Soon, María uncovers some dark secrets of her aged husband, making things a bit more complicated than she expected. Megan Montaner, Unax Ugalde, Begoña Maestre, Clara Garrido, Begoña Maestre, and Llorenç González are some of the many talented Spanish actors who feature in the drama show. Given the fact that all the action unfolds across the Spanish landscapes of different kinds, one might be curious to find out where exactly ‘Between Lands’ is shot.
Between Lands is Filmed in Spain
Since ‘Between Lands’ is a Spanish series, it is only natural that the shooting of the series primarily takes place in Spain, especially in Castilla-La Mancha and Andalucía. As for the principal photography for the inaugural iteration, it got underway in September 2022 and continued for about three months or so, before getting wrapped up in December of the same year. Let’s take a closer and more detailed look at all the specific sites that make an appearance in the Netflix production!
Castilla-La Mancha, Spain
Castilla-La Mancha serves as one of the primary production locations for ‘Between Lands’ as the filming unit sets up camp in different locales within the Spanish autonomous community. It encompasses several provinces of Spain, including Albacete, Ciudad Real, Cuenca, Guadalajara, and Toledo. Situated right in the middle of the Iberian peninsula, Castilla-La Mancha provides a vast and versatile backdrop that works in favor of the drama series.
At the end of the shooting of the debut season, Megan Montaner shared several BTS photos on social media and experience. She wrote (translated from Spanish), “We did it guys!!!!! end of shooting of #ENTRETIERRAS How beautiful, how hard and how special. I love them so much! Thanks for everything and until the next time team!!!!!!”
Andalucía, Spain
For shooting purposes, the production team of ‘Between Lands’ also travels to Andalucía or Andalusia, which is another autonomous community in Peninsular Spain. To be specific, most of the pivotal sequences for the drama series are taped in and around the city and municipality of Almería. Capital of the eponymous province, Almería is known for its arid landscape, making it a tourist attraction as well as a filming site for different kinds of productions.
Read More: Between Lands: Is the Netflix Show Based on True Events?