‘Combatants Will Be Dispatched!’ is a fantasy-action anime series that follows the Combat Agent 6 of Kisaragi Corporation, who is entrusted with the responsibility to go to an alien planet and establish control of the Supreme leaders of Kisaragi there. Unaware of the dangers that lurk on the planet, he, along with his android partner, begins the interstellar conquest of the evil corporation. Based on the light novel series illustrated by Kakao Lanthanum and written by Natsume Akatsuki, the fantasy-action series, because of its unique plot, can make anyone curious. If you wish to more about its narrative and where it can be streamed, then you have come to the right place. Here’s everything you need to know.
What is Combatants Will Be Dispatched! About?
After successfully establishing control over most of the world, the Supreme leaders of the Kisaragi Corporation are not yet satisfied as they decide to take the evil initiative of interstellar conquest. Regardless of the complexity of the mission at hand, the supreme leaders randomly select Combat Agent 6 as their chief operative, who, along with his android partner Alice, is tasked to survey an alien planet where Kisaragi seeks to establish control. Unfortunately, on arrival, Agent 6 finds out that Demon Lord’s army is already working to put their own wicked plans in action.
Since the alien planet already has an evil organization, will Agent 6 be able to accomplish his task and establish Kisaragi Corporation’s control? Or will Demon Lord’s Army prove to be unstoppable? To find out answers to those questions, you must watch the fantasy-action anime. In case you are wondering how you can do that, we have got you covered.
Is Combatants Will Be Dispatched! On Netflix?
‘Combatants Will Be Dispatched!’ is not currently part of Netflix’s otherwise admirable catalog. However, we suggest subscribers who like action-packed anime watch ‘Baki.’ It revolves around the protagonist’s struggle to surpass his heroic father while also dealing with some unexpected dangers in his path.
Is Combatants Will Be Dispatched! On Hulu?
Unfortunately, ‘Combatants Will Be Dispatched!’ is not available on Hulu, but fans of the fantasy-action genre can instead watch ‘Attack on Titan,’ which is a similarly themed anime series.
Is Combatants Will Be Dispatched! On Amazon Prime?
Amazon Prime subscribers will have to look for other options to stream ‘Combatants Will Be Dispatched!’ as it is not part of its current offerings. But we do recommend watching the dark fantasy series, ‘Made in Abyss.’ Like the protagonist of ‘Combatants Will Be Dispatched!’ (even though for a different reason), Riko also bravely ventures into uncharted territory in ‘Made in Abyss’ to explore the unknown.
Where to Watch Combatants Will Be Dispatched! Online?
Funimation subscribers can rejoice since the fantasy-action anime series is available on the platform. If you have a subscription, you can watch the series here. People in several European countries, especially France, can stream the show on Wakanim. ‘Combatants Will Be Dispatched!’ is also available to stream on AnimeLab.
Where to Stream Combatants Will Be Dispatched! For Free?
Wakanim and Funimation both offer a limited free trial to first-time subscribers. You can stream ‘Combatants Will Be Dispatched!’ for free on those two platforms, but only for the duration of the trial period. We always encourage our readers to pay for the content they consume.
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