Based on the Japanese manga series of the same name by Naoki Yamakawa, ‘I’m Standing on a Million Lives’ is a fantasy anime that revolves around Yotsuya Yuusuke and his friends who mysteriously get transported to a virtual world which pushes them to the limits of their physical and mental capabilities. After learning the reality of their virtual world in the season 1 finale, the latest installment will center upon the action and decisions of the trio as they struggle with the moral implications of their actions in the past. Curious to learn more about the premise of the latest season or where it can be streamed? We have got you covered.
What is I’m Standing on a Million Lives Season 2 About?
In season 1, Yotsuya Yuusuke, along with Hakozaki Kusue and Shindou Iu, find themselves in a virtual world of mythological creatures where they meet Game Master, who gives them time-bound tasks which they must accomplish at all costs. However, the three friends adapt to their new environment and do a good job in each of their quests with the hope of returning to the real world. But, by the finale, they learn the harsh reality that their misadventures and quests are not taking place in a virtual world but, in fact, in an alternate universe. So, all they now must reconcile with the truth that they have taken people’s lives in their reckless pursuits, something that is extremely complicated for the trio, especially Yotsuya.
The stakes will be even higher in season 2, considering Yotsuya and his friends are no longer ignorant about the pain that they are capable of inflicting on others. However, regardless of the moral burden that they have to carry, they are likely to continue on their quests along with their new ally Torii. However, they now face a ridiculous time skip of 15 years that is going to significantly change the mystical world that they have become accustomed to by now. But will they be as effective as they used to be, knowing the horrors that their actions have led to?
Is I’m Standing on a Million Lives Season 2 on Netflix?
No, ‘I’m Standing on a Million Lives’ season 2 is not available on Netflix. People with a subscription to the streaming giant can instead watch ‘Kakegurui.’
Is I’m Standing on a Million Lives Season 2 on Hulu?
Hulu subscribers will have to find other alternatives since ‘I’m Standing on a Million Lives’ season 2 is not accessible on the platform as of now. However, we recommend our readers watch other somewhat similar anime like ‘Sword Art Online‘ or ‘Sword Art Online -Alicization.’
Is I’m Standing on a Million Lives Season 2 on Amazon Prime?
Unfortunately, ‘I’m Standing on a Million Lives’ is not a part of Amazon Prime’s catalog and is unlikely to arrive as video-on-demand in the future as well. However, Prime subscribers can alternatively stream ‘Grimoire of Zero.’
Is I’m Standing on a Million Lives Season 2 on Crunchyroll?
‘I’m Standing on a Million Lives’ is licensed by Crunchyroll for streaming outside Asia. People who have a subscription to the streaming platform can watch the latest season here.
Where to Watch I’m Standing on a Million Lives Season 2 Online?
You can enjoy watching the latest installment of ‘I’m Standing on a Million Lives’ in English, German, Portuguese, Spanish, Japanese, and French on VRV. The fantasy anime series is licensed by Medialink in South Asia and Southeast Asia. People in the region can stream the show on iQIYI and Ani-One YouTube channel.
How to Stream I’m Standing on a Million Lives Season 2 for Free?
VRV offers a 30-day free trial, while Crunchyroll comes with a 14-day free trial. So, you can watch ‘I’m Standing on a Million Lives’ season 2 for free. However, one must be a first-time subscriber and watch all episodes in the trial period. But we encourage our readers to pay for the content they wish to consume online.
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