Directed by Peter Mortimer and Nick Rosen, ‘The Alpinist’ is a documentary movie that captures the daring misadventures of a young Canadian soloist in hostile conditions in Patagonia. The daring alpinist takes on one of the most challenging climbing missions of his life that can not only end up defining his career but also change his life in unimaginable ways. If the high-stakes adventure documentaries appeal to you, then you must not miss out on ‘The Alpinist.’ Here’s everything you need to know about the film.
What is The Alpinist About?
While the sport of climbing gains more traction with mainstream media events becoming an indispensable part of the overall culture, some climbers still prefer to go solo and shun away the limelight. Marc-André Leclerc, a 23-year-old free-spirited alpinist, is one of those rare sports icons who has managed to achieve unbelievable feats that continue to befuddle even the most experienced climbers. Although the young man has completed some of the boldest solo ascents in history, he continues to live an isolated life shunning most modern technology, including cars and smartphones.
It is therefore not surprising that he never draws attention despite his rare accomplishments. While some experts believe that he takes too many risks, there are also legends of the sport who are in awe of his raw talent and passion. However, all the achievements of the Canadian soloist shrink in comparison to his life-changing expedition in Patagonia. The documentary offers a closer look into Leclerc’s passionate adventure that encapsulates his love for climbing and heights.
Is The Alpinist on Netflix?
Netflix subscribers will have to look for ‘The Alpinist’ on other platforms since it is not part of its current catalog. However, we recommend our readers watch ‘The River Runner‘ instead.
Is The Alpinist on Hulu?
Hulu does an impressive catalog of movies and television shows, but the documentary is not available on the platform. People with a subscription may like movies such as ‘The Mountain Between Us‘ or ‘127 Hours.’
Is The Alpinist on Amazon Prime?
‘The Alpinist’ is not accessible on Amazon Prime. You can check the website for the film’s availability as on-demand content in the future. Prime subscribers can alternatively stream ‘Edie‘ or ‘Dirtbag: The Legend of Fred Beckey.’
Where to Watch The Alpinist Online?
‘The Alpinist’ is releasing in select theaters all over the United States on September 10, 2021. Movie buffs who wish to watch it in cinema halls can book their tickets on Fandango. The documentary is currently not accessible on Video-on-demand platforms, but you can check for its availability in the future on Vudu, Microsoft Store, Redbox, Google Play, and iTunes.
How to Stream The Alpinist for Free?
Since the documentary is only releasing theatrically as of now, it is not possible to stream the movie for free. However, we encourage our readers always to watch their favorite movies and shows online only after paying for them.
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