Directed by Lin Chun-Yang, Netflix’s ‘Eye of the Storm’ is a Taiwanese drama movie that brings the familiar situations of the post-COVID times to the screen by dealing with the outbreak of an unknown virus inside a hospital. It follows a dedicated thoracic surgeon named Dr. Zheng Xia, who is called to treat an emergency patient and finds himself trapped inside the hospital on his daughter’s fifth birthday due to the outbreak of a deadly virus.
Dr. Xia works with one of his patients, Jin Youzhong, to uncover the sudden outbreak and investigate the virus’ origin. As the threat looms large over all the people within the hospital, they learn that helping others during an epidemic can be the ultimate salvation. Originally titled ‘Yi qi,’ the movie is set inside a hospital in Taipei where Dr. Xia tries his best to help others deal with the virus and save lives. Given the setting of the hospital, which includes emergency rooms, corridors, and other areas associated with a hospital, the viewers are bound to wonder where it was filmed.
Eye of the Storm Filming Locations
‘Eye of the Storm’ was filmed entirely in Taiwan, seemingly in and around Taipei. Officially known as the Republic of China, Taiwan is known for the perfect balance of its mountain ranges and plains, providing an ideal backdrop for different productions. Now, without much ado, let us take you through all the specific locations that can be spotted in the Netflix movie!
Taipei, Taiwan
The capital and a special municipality of Taiwan, Taipei, supposedly served as the primary production location for ‘Eye of the Storm.’ Officially known as Taipei City, the production team made the most of its locales, seemingly traveling to numerous streets and neighborhoods to shoot different sequences for the movie.
Situated in the Taipei Basin in northern Taiwan, Taipei City is home to several prestigious medical centers and hospitals, such as the National Defense Medical Center, the National Taiwan University Hospital, Chung Shan Hospital, Taipei Veterans General Hospital, and Mackay Memorial Hospital, to name a few. It is highly possible that the filming unit set up camp inside one of the hospitals in the city to tape all the pivotal scenes for ‘Eye of the Storm.’
Another possibility is that the cast and crew members made the most of one of the film studios in and around Taipei City and constructed a custom-built set of a hospital on sound stages, as almost the entire movie is set inside a hospital. Apart from ‘Eye of the Storm,’ Taipei City has hosted the production of various other film and TV projects. Some notable ones include ‘Silence,’ ‘Yi Yi: A One and a Two…,’ ‘A Brilliant Young Mind,’ ‘Eternal Summer,’ and ‘For My Country.’
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