Through Netflix’s ‘Can I Tell You a Secret?’ viewers get to know about the actions of cyberstalker Matthew Hardy and the results of the same. Among the individuals whom Hardy had targeted over the years, Amy Bailey was one of the many who chose to be a part of the documentary series to share her own experience with him. Given everything that she endured as a victim of Hardy’s stalking, she has gained a lot of well-wishers who remain invested in the latest updates regarding her.
Amy Bailey Became a Target of Stalking At the Age of 16
In the Netflix show, Amy Bailey shared how someone had started to stalk her in 2011 when she was only 16. She disclosed how she would receive about 50-60 phone calls every day, which made her feel unsafe and anxious. In fact, she had stopped going out of her home unless it was to go to work in a garage in her hometown of Northwich, England. One particular day in 2013, she received a text that not only pointed out that she was wearing a blue top but also complimented her car cleaning skills. Terrified that she was being watched, Amy realized that things might be far more dangerous than she had thought.
Hence, Amy decided to get to the police with screenshots of similar texts. The authorities were able to track the number of the text to Matthew Hardy. This was actually the second time that Amy had approached the police regarding the case. She had tried to contact the police in 2011 when the calls had started but was told to delete her Facebook account and block the number. Things were much different in 2013, and Hardy was given a restraining order to stay away from Amy. However, he seemingly did not stick to it. Amy disclosed how she and her boyfriend had been out for a takeaway one night when she noticed someone across the road while she was alone in the car.
The man across the road approached the car and started screaming, which made Amy believe that it was Hardy who was doing this. However, this was far from the only instance that Hardy seemingly breached his restraining order. In fact, Amy apparently reported him for breaching the order in 2014, 2015, and 2017. She revealed to The Guardian that Hardy had actually continued to harass her until 2021. I feel like I missed my 20s because of it,” Amy shared. “I was constantly scared and paranoid. I ended up going on antidepressants. My anxiety was through the roof. I was too scared to go out. I thought that everywhere I went, he would be watching.”
Where is Amy Bailey Now?
As of writing, Amy Bailey lives a few miles outside Northwich. She is now an administration worker. Seemingly preferring to live a more private life, she does not seem to be very active on social media these days. Given the harassment that she seemingly went through for well over a decade, her break from the online world does seem to be a well-deserved one. After Matthew Hardy was sentenced to nine years in prison on January 26, 2022, Amy was one of the many who felt relieved by the conviction.
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