Analyn Megison: Where is the Former Lawyer Now?

Image Credit: 60 Minutes Australia/YouTube

Analyn Megison felt she had no choice but to fight back when she was sued for custody of her 6-year-old daughter in 2010. The man demanding custody was her rapist, and she was determined not to let her daughter go. She was horrified to discover there was no law to protect her from losing the custody battle based on the history of violence. Lifetime’s ‘You Can’t Take My Daughter Back’ is based on Analyn’s story and attempts to do justice to her ordeal, ultimately changing the country’s legal history.

Analyn Megison Fought a Custody Battle Against Her Rapist

Analyn Megison was a law graduate who worked hard to build her career. In 2003, the 29-year-old was living in Louisiana and making the most of all that life had to offer. She had an apartment in Baton Rouge, which was supposed to be her haven but instead became the site of a traumatic event. She was assaulted in her own home, a place she had thought was secure. After a while, she found out that she was pregnant. Despite many around her pushing for an abortion, Analyn knew she was going to raise the baby on her own.

Choosing to keep the baby was a courageous decision, driven by Analyn’s strong maternal instincts and her belief in giving her child a chance at life. She prepared herself to face the challenges of single motherhood, determined to provide her daughter with a nurturing and safe environment. She soon moved to Florida and had just begun rebuilding her life when, in 2010, a process server gave her an envelope, which changed her life.

Her rapist had filed for custody of their 6-year-old daughter. This shocking development thrust her into a legal nightmare, revealing a glaring gap in the legal system. There were no laws explicitly preventing a rapist who had not been convicted from seeking parental rights, putting Analyn in a terrifying and precarious situation. The prospect of having to share custody with the man who had violated her was unthinkable, yet it was a real threat due to the lack of legal protection.

Analyn Megison knew she was going to fight tooth and nail in her custody battle. Still, she also realized that as a lawyer, she had the power to bring about substantial change not just for herself but for all victims of sexual and domestic violence. Determined to use her legal expertise for the greater good, she drafted a model law for Florida. This law made it clear that the parental rights of a rapist could be challenged in the face of “clear and convincing evidence.” This standard did not require a legal conviction but necessitated proving that the violence had most likely been suffered more than not.

In 2013, Analyn’s hard work paid off when the Florida legislature unanimously passed the law she had championed. The law Analyn Megison championed in Florida became a significant precedent, paving the way for broader legislative reforms. In 2015, inspired by her efforts and the law passed in Florida, the United States Congress enacted the National Rape Survivor Child Custody Act. This landmark federal legislation establishes that in cases where rape results in the conception of a child, the survivor can seek to terminate the parental rights of the rapist.

Analyn Megison is Working in Finance Today

Analyn Megison co-founded a non-profit organization called Hope After Rape Conception, providing structural support to mothers and individuals facing similar situations. Although the organization has not been active recently, Analyn has focused on other pursuits. She worked at Vanguard as a Client Specialty Services Associate until 2023, then joined New York Life Insurance Company as an agent. Since January 2024, she has worked as a financial services professional at NYLIFE Securities and settled in Phoenix, Arizona.

In 2022, Analyn gave an exclusive interview to People magazine, which brought her much-deserved acclaim. Since then, she has become a vocal advocate against violence against women, domestic violence, and other social issues close to her heart. She is actively involved with the Welcome to America Project, an organization that helps refugees integrate into American society by providing essential resources and support. In May 2024, Analyn spoke at Arizona University, sharing her story and reiterating her belief that “love is stronger than fear.” Her continued advocacy and volunteer work have made her a significant and inspiring figure in the community.

Today, Analyn Megison parents three children and is a dedicated jiu-jitsu student, practicing discipline and submission alongside her young son. Another of her interests is archery, where she stays in great form and finds joy in every moment. Additionally, she loves horses, frequently attending horse shows and races and seizing every opportunity to interact with them. Although she once aspired to become a fighter pilot, Analyn looks back at what life has given her with no complaints. She is ready to face the next battle with the same courage and determination that has defined her journey.

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