The interesting reality show ‘Life after Lockup’ introduced Blaine Bailey as the only friend Lindsey Downs could depend on. In fact, after her release from prison, Lindsey chose to move in with Blaine, and the latter was often at loggerheads with Lindsey’s then-boyfriend, Daonte Sierra. However, her relationship with Daonte led nowhere, and after years of waiting around, Blaine finally confessed his feelings for Lindsey, which helped them get together. Yet, with trouble seemingly around the corner and the cameras now turned away, let’s find out of Blaine and Lindsey are still together, shall we?
Blaine and Lindsey’s Life After Lockup Journey
When Lindsey Downs initially appeared on ‘Life After Lockup,’ she was in a relationship with Daonte Sierra. Although Lindsey was still behind bars at that time, she wasn’t Daonte’s first relationship on the show, as he was previously involved in a love triangle with Tia Simmons and Nicole Bradley. Daonte seemed to have eyes only for Nicole, but once she chose Tia, he moved on and began dating Lindsey. Although moving in with Daonte was an option, Lindsey chose to stay with her best friend, Blaine Bailey, after being released from prison.
Moreover, her relationship with Daonte seemed rocky as they were unable to adjust to the long distance. Besides, Daonte appeared pretty controlling, and once Lindey realized he would not allow her to grow as a person, she decided to move away. Surprisingly, even though Blaine has been Lindsey’s friend for the better part of his life, he soon revealed that he has been harboring feelings for her for a long time. Naturally, Lindsey was pretty apprehensive about exploring a romantic connection with her friend.
Lindsey wondered if it would ruin their connection, as she did not want to lose a person she valued a lot. However, with time, she began falling in love with Blaine, and the two got together soon after. While most fans expected Blaine and Lindsey to have an excellent relationship, trouble soon crept into their lives. They seemed pretty happy initially, but Lindsey soon realized Blaine had not been completely honest with her.
Things started to go further south when the ‘Life After Lockup’ star discovered that Blaine was wearing an ankle monitor. When confronted, Blaine confessed that he has been under house arrest since September 2022 as he was arrested on Meth charges. Besides, Lindsey also mentioned that her partner was charged as a habitual offender and had warrants in his name.
Blaine Bailey and Lindsey Downs Are Still in Love
Although Blaine and Lindsey’s relationship seemed tumultuous for some time, we are happy to report that they appear to have reached a mutual understanding. The two agreed to bury their past problems and even met each halfway, determined to solve the communication issues they had been dealing with. On top of it, Lindsey chose to support Blaine throughout his house arrest, as she wanted her partner to put his past behind him and move forward.
At present, Blaine remains under house arrest and will earn his freedom in 2025, while Lindsey works as an independent consultant for the vegan and cruelty-free healthcare brand Arbonne International. Besides, the two appear to be living under the same roof and have built a wonderful life around Blaine’s daughter. Likewise, Lindsey is also close to her daughter, Mylie Grace, and readers will be happy to know that the ‘Life After Lockup’ star completed a year of sobriety in August 2022. It honestly is lovely to witness the love Blaine and Lindsey have for each other, and we can safely confirm that the couple is together and still going strong.
Read More: Are Tayler and Chance From Life After Lockup Still Together?
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