Gallivanting across the globe and embracing the physical and mental challenges that come with an unknown location, ‘The Amazing Race’ is an adventure reality television show following contestants across the world throughout different competitions since its premiere in 2001. The contestants are put into pairs and tasked to complete different challenges, navigate confusing routes and deal with locals on their own in order to win the whopping cash prize of $1 million dollars.
In the fifth installment, the one couple that caught attention was models Nicole O’Brian Lassiter and Brandon Davidson. The couple, known for their outwardly pious views, had caught the attention of fans for their devotion toward each other and God. Nearly two decades later, after season 5 of ‘Amazing Race’ aired with couple Nicole and Brandon, fans are curious and want to find out whether or not the couple managed to make it.
Nicole and Brandon’s Amazing Race Journey
In their early 20s, both Brandon and Nicole had entered the fifth iteration of ‘Amazing Race’, hoping to win the global race whilst also meandering through the challenges set in diverse cultures and places. With a flourishing career in modelling, Brandon and Nicole had caught the eyes of viewers.
While Nicole had been famous for her status in pageants as the 2nd Runner-up at Miss Texas Teen USA (2000), Miss Texas USA (2003) and the 2nd Runner-up at Miss USA (2003), Brandon had a major footing in the industry through his collaboration with famous brands.
However, their journey on the famous show wasn’t without its highs and lows. The couple had come to be known as the ‘God Squad’ for their devotional views. The couple had travelled to Dubai, Russia, and Calcutta and explored several places in the show. From having to navigate public transport and strangers to deciding whether or not they should shave their heads for a Hindu ritual, the couple had to undergo a number of challenges.
Nicole and Brandon had also caught special attention for their overtly religious views. The two would go from praying to God for winning the cash prize to even minor things. From reciting prayers for his partner when for mishaps in public transportation to saying, ‘The Lord really wants us in the game’, the couple were often ostracized for their conflicting views on religion and their role as contestants vying for the cash prize.
While their beliefs made them unique in their own regard, the couple still managed to face different tasks head-on and even though they didn’t win the cash prize, they still intrigued viewers. As such, fans still wonder whether the two managed to make it through the years. Luckily, we’ve got the answers.
Nicole and Brandon Have Broken Up
No, Brandon Davidson and Nicole O’Brian Lassiter are no longer together. Not too long after their stint on ‘Amazing Race’, the couple decided to part ways. However, the two continue to flourish in their personal and professional lives. After her exit from the show, the Tennessee-born model acted in movies like ‘The Last Mark’ and ‘Mother’s Milk.’ Nicole married Brad Ballard on July 14, 2007, and has three children.
Nicole is the founder and designer of Creations by Niki Lassiter, a venture she established as a form of therapy and treatment for herself after she was diagnosed with rare autoimmune disorders. Nicole is also a sponsor of the Miss America Organization and is now based in Houston, Texas.
On the other hand, Brandon Davidson is also based in Houston, Texas. Davidson got married to Annamaria Macaluso on August 20, 2016, and the couple has four children. Brandon slowly veered away from modelling and now works locally. The alma mater of Texas A&M College even worked at the City Church in Texas and continues to flourish personally and professionally.
So even though Brandon Davidson and Nicole O’Brian Lassiter parted ways after their appearance on ‘Amazing Race’, the two have still managed to excel in their lives. As such, fans and viewers continue to look forward to their achievements and happiness.
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