Ever since his 2009 debut on Jersey Shore, Ronnie Ortiz-Magro has harbored rocky relationships with several women and cultivated a reputation as a highly volatile member of the show. In the second season of the reality show titled ‘Famously Single,’ Ronnie met ‘Dash Dolls’ star and Khloe Kardashian’s BFF Malika Haqq and the two embarked upon a journey to navigate the hurdles in their relationship.
The drama that circulated the pair instilled an endless curiosity in the audience. Now, it is natural for fans of the reality stars to want the latest updates on the current status of their relationship. So in case you’re curious to know what has been brewing between Ronnie Ortiz-Magro and Malika Haqq, we have you covered!
Ronnie Ortiz-Magro and Malika Haqq’s Famously Single Journey
Ronnie Ortiz-Magro and Malika Haqq first met on the set of the reality show ‘Famously Single’ in 2016. Season 2 featured eight celebrities with relationship problems. They all lived together, and that is how Ronnie and Malika got along. They had an instant connection over common topics and developed a strong friendship. It soon turned into a mutual romance, and the couple supported each other throughout the tough times that took a toll on everyone in the show.
Coaching experts in ‘Famously Single’ advised Ronnie and Malika to meet new partners, but they ended up warming up to each other instead. They admitted that even their friends were supportive of their relationship. The news was confirmed by Ronnie in early December 2016 through a now-deleted picture he posted on social media. In the photo, the ‘Jersey Shore’ fame is seen to be kissing Malika against a beautiful sunset.
In a joint statement given to E! News, the pair stated, “Our support for one another through this challenging experience made us strong in a very short period of time. We had an opportunity to really get to know each other living in such close quarter.” However, as time progressed, the couple began to experience roadblocks in their relationship. So what happened to them thereafter? If you want to know whether they remained a couple, here is an update for you!
Are Ronnie Ortiz-Magro and Malika Haqq Still Together?
Unfortunately, Ronnie Ortiz-Magro and Malika Haqq are not together anymore. The pair broke it off after two months of dating, seemingly in February 2017. According to Malika, their incompatible star signs and opposite personalities are a few reasons why their relationship didn’t work out. In an interview with People, Malika attributed a part of it to Ronnie’s love language, saying, “His love language is very aggressive. It’s verbally aggressive, it’s physically aggressive. It’s just the way he expresses himself.” Despite the emotional turbulence that consumed their relationship, they decided to stay friends.
According to Malika, she and Ronnie were opposites who gravitated towards each other. However, both of them look for security blankets in situations, so their love for each other shielded them from the harshness of reality. Although it worked for them temporarily, their connection couldn’t survive the test of time. Malika also revealed that the biggest drawback in the relationship was the difference in their backgrounds. Her world clashed with his that mainly revolved around ‘Jersey Shore.’
After the split, Malika and Ronnie continued to talk to each other. After sparking romance rumors with several men over the years, Malika is happily single as of today and is focused on furthering her professional career. When she is not doing that, the television personality’s world revolves around her 2-year-old son, Ace. On the other hand, Ronnie Ortiz-Magro is engaged to Saffire Matos.
Read More: Are Ronnie Ortiz-Magro and Saffire Matos Still Together?
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