‘90 Day Fiancé’ is one of the most popular reality television series that has been a hit since its debut season premiered on January 12, 2014. Now that the show is running successfully into its eighth season, the premise remains the same as it follows the journeys of loved up couples who wish to be one with their partner. The only twist being their cross-border relationships.
The show’s central focus is to exhibit the sundry problems of having a handful of 90 days to decide whether the couple wants to walk down the aisle or call it quits after applying for or receiving the K-1 visa. The new additions to the long list of pairs who have been through a similar scenario are Ryan and Stephanie. We got curious to know if they managed to walk out of the sticky situation hand in hand, and here is everything we found out!
Ryan and Stephanie: 90 Day Fiancé Journey
Hailing from an exotic Caribbean country, Belize, Ryan is a 27-year-old whose lifestyle is inclined towards partying and flirting with women virtually as well as in real-life. In fact, he crossed paths with Stephanie, 52, at a beach party in his home country while she was on vacation to de-stress from her hectic work schedule. Stephanie hails from Grand Rapids, the second-largest city in Michigan, where she has devoted years of her life to run two spa businesses successfully.
Her life choices have led her to remain single and even barred her from entering into any serious relationship. But it only took one casual conversation with Ryan to spark up the entrepreneur’s deep interest in him. Stephanie felt such a special connection after the solitary meeting that she failed to suppress the sudden urge to settle down with him at the earliest. Luckily, Ryan reciprocated Stephanie’s feelings, and the two kick-started their relationship right away as their intense chemistry led to a heavy romance.
Unknowingly, the rich businesswoman began to express her feelings’ depth by showering plenty of presents on her beau. But Ryan went on to seek financial aid from her to pay some of his relatives’ rent. While Stephanie did not mind helping him out, she realized that their equation was more about money than love. Their journey on ‘90 Day Fiancé’ also brought in the open a few more facts that were bound to break them apart!
Are Ryan and Stephanie Still Together?
While Ryan and Stephanie are officially still a couple, it seems unlikely for the 52-year-old to survive the damaging blows to her self-respect cast by someone almost half his age. Being called a “cougar” does not ruffle her feathers, but she sure did not want to end up being Ryan’s “sugar momma.” Even when begrudgingly asked how many more watches he wants her to bring, he unabashedly replies, “Maybe two more of the ones that you got me already, and then you can bring the rest for the guys.” His audacious asks for luxury gifts is clearly one of the biggest problems that the two are facing.
Undoubtedly, one of the first polarity the viewers notice about Ryan and Stephanie is their vast age difference. However, this is not the first time a pair has completely disregarded numbers on the franchise (Angela and Michael, Mark and Nikki). In the show, the couple is admirably seen channeling all the energy into making the relationship work and sustaining their faith in its longevity. The age gap undeniably complicates the already tricky long-distance setup as Stephanie is unsure if her fiancé is even ready to settle down as yet.
Most probably, Ryan is at peace with the present profitable situation and has given minimum to nil thought about the future of his relationship with his Stephanie. Sadly, his current mindset seems to be entirely in contrast to Stephanie’s expectations and intentions. This becomes evident when he continually flirts with other women and labels it as having “fun,” leading to a heated argument between the two.
Another red flag that Stephanie’s family and friends can discern is Ryan’s exploitation of her feelings for a green card – a scenario that does not look like an impossibility, considering their dynamics. As of now, it remains unclear whether Ryan’s arrival in America is only for a “joy ride” or to be with the woman he loves!
Read More: Are Veronica and Tim From 90 Day Fiancé Still Together?
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