A group of affluent yet spoilt young adults is tricked by their exasperated parents into attending a survival camp in Netflix’s survival reality show ‘Snowflake Mountain.’ While most of the contestants are lazy and have a carefree lifestyle, their parents mentioned how none of them have reached their promised potential. Thus as a last resort, they made their children believe they were going to participate in a luxurious reality show but instead sent them to a survival camp run by experts Matt Tate and Joel Graves. With no way out, the one spoilt 20-somethings are forced to face their fears, although the show does reward the person who develops themselves the most.
Interestingly, Solomon and Sunny Malik stood out from the rest of the contestants due to their quiet demeanor. They mostly preferred to remain alone with their thoughts, and that eventually led to a blossoming friendship. However, Solomon was generally treated as the black sheep of the group, which gave their friendship a new perspective. Still, with the season now behind us, let’s find out if the two have remained friends, shall we?
Solomon and Sunny Malik’s Snowflake Mountain Journey
Initially, Solomon came across as someone with a holier-than-thou attitude who was bound to look down upon others. A self-proclaimed king, Solomon claimed that no one could ever look up to him or know his story as his shoes were too expensive to walk in. On the other hand, Sunny described himself as a coaster and mentioned that he enjoyed floating about from one thing to another without any proper commitment. Interestingly, Sunny was quite a brilliant student and even had a bright future ahead of him. Yet, once laziness took over, he changed his major to an easy subject and since then lost his hold on life. However, quite surprisingly, Sunny seemed very open to change and was the least vocal protestor when Matt and Joel revealed the reality and blew up their luggage.
Sunny and Solomon’s developing friendship was quite interesting to witness, as their personalities were quite the opposite. While Sunny preferred to be a team player and was always ready to extend a helping hand, Solomon liked to sulk alone and was not concerned about anyone but himself. However, from day one, they seemed to have signed an unwritten pact about having each other’s backs, as Solomon trusted Sunny to keep a secret and even have his back when he stole food from a supply cache.
When Matt and Joel noticed that Solomon was not showing much development, they sent him to face the Last Chance Lake challenge, where he had to spend an entire night in a rickety tent under the stars. This naturally irritated Solomon, but Sunny seemed to understand his issues. The two friends even had a heart-to-heart around the fire, and Sunny was the only one who knew that Solomon was going to go back home without informing anyone. Nevertheless, Sunny was determined to fight on and ultimately ended the season as the runner-up.
Are Sunny Malik and Solomon Still Friends?
Ever since filming wrapped, Sunny changed his life for the better and moved into an apartment in order to become independent. He also took control of his life and is currently busy working on a podcast as well as a documentary while being an active human rights activist on the side. On the other hand, Solomon is presently based out of Los Angeles, California, where he is known for his faith-based mentoring and coaching. Moreover, Sunny and Solomon made lifelong friends while on the show and cherish those connections to this day.
Unfortunately, Solomon is pretty private regarding his personal life and prefers to keep it out of the public sphere. Besides, he hasn’t interacted much with Sunny over social media, although both men follow each other. Nevertheless, considering their solid bond while on the show and how they promised to remain friends and stay in touch always, we can safely assume that Sunny and Solomon are still close friends.
Read More: Are Snowflake Mountain’s Sunny and Carl Still Friends?
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