Created by Jonathan Murray, Oxygen’s ‘Bad Girls Club’ (BGC) is a reality television series that premiered in 2006. The show revolves around the conflicts and physical fights of seven extremely bold, argumentative, and trouble-making women. Set in Miami and titled ‘Bad Girls Club: Miami,’ season 5 premiered in 2010 with a fresh bunch of distinct personalities who produced a lot of drama while enjoying the luxuries of life in a mansion while being asked to follow certain specific rules. As it’s been over a decade since the season wrapped up, fans of the show have been wondering about the current whereabouts of their favorite bad girls.
Brandi Arceneaux is Now a Content Mother of Two
Inglewood, California’s Brandi Arceneaux, nicknamed Venus AKA The Sneaky Stripper, belonged to a strict conservative family and had just quit her job as a stripper before joining the show. Her comic timing was quite on point, and she never minced words when it came to letting her feelings about certain castmates known. However, in episode 11, when things stopped going her way, she lashed out, leading her to get booted by her friend Lea. Since then, Brandi has turned a new leaf in life. When she returned for the series reunion, she was seen to be much more calm and composed. She informed host Perez Hilton that seeing herself on television led to a positive change in her.
On the personal front, Brandi is a mother of two sons and is quite close to her mother. Her older one was likely born in 2017, and the younger one in 2018. Aside from that, she is also a mother to her furry baby, Marley Bob. While she’s quite active on TikTok, she prefers staying away from the spotlight and blocks negativity the moment she is subjected to it. Though her time on the show is over, it looks like Brandi gained a friend for life in Florina Kaja AKA Flo. The 40-year-old is on a journey to quit alcohol, and in February 2024, she celebrated 6 months of sobriety.
Catya Washington is Flourishing as an Entrepreneur
Catya ‘Cat’ Washington, from Philadelphia, Pennsylvania, was called The Elite Player, and rightfully so. With a penchant for all the finer things in life, Cat had dated celebrities and rappers before entering the show and wanted to continue living in luxury. She decided to leave the show in episode 6 upon realizing that she was too “classy” for the antics the other girls were pulling.
After quitting the show, Cat became an entrepreneur and started Body by MS Cat, a line of gorgeous catsuits. From catsuits, she expanded her clothing line to include swimsuits, kidswear, tops, bottoms, accessories, dresses, body suits, and outerwear, all of which she sells at the Florida-based Avoir Boutique that she owns. This was just the start of her business ventures as she continued to further expand her profile under the BBMC umbrella. Cat is the CEO of the boat rental service Liquid Asset Yacht Group and the cosmetics and clothing brands Avoir Couture and Avoir Fragrance. Cat has also appeared in season 3 of ‘Baddies West,’ which premiered in 2023, and was a part of the cast right till the end.
Danielle Rosario is Now a Happily Married Mother of Three
Massapequa, New York’s Danielle Rosario is one of the original bad girls of the season. Given the name The Scrapper, she was the ultimate Long Islander. Having trained as a dancer for 17 years, Danielle had let go of her passion to focus on her partying ways. However, the show had proved to be a little too much for her, as she chose to quit in the eighth episode voluntarily.
After Danielle quit the show, she completely turned her life around and left the limelight world for good. In December 2017, she got engaged to Steve Villardi. The couple’s oldest son, Ethan Frank Villardi, was born on November 5, 2018. The couple bought their first home together in Oviedo, Florida, in April 2019, the same year. In July 2019, she married Steve in the presence of family, friends, and their baby boy. On May 3, 2021, Ethan’s younger brother, Wesley David Villardi, was born. The third addition to their family, Riley Ada Villardi, was born on July 13, 2023. The Villardis are an adorable and cheerful family, and Danielle has kept herself busy and content with her mommy duties.
Erica Langston Has Completely Gone Off the Radar
Erica Langston from Anaheim, California, was another one of the original bad girls who made it right till the end of the show. Called the Trash Talking Cheerleader, she got into quite a few rough fights with her castmates throughout the series. Despite being at the center of her season and being quite a prominent cast member, Erica went off the radar completely after the show wrapped up. As she doesn’t have a social media presence, her current whereabouts and profile remain unclear.
Kristen Guinane Likes to Keep Her Personal Life Private
Kristen Guinane or The Pageant Princess as she’s better known, belongs to Manchester-by-the-Sea, Massachusetts. Despite being a pampered and privileged blonde, her time on the show was quite wild, with rampant fights and altercations with her castmates. When one of these fights got out of hand with Lea, Kristen was asked to leave the show. She made a reappearance during the series finale and was also a part of a reunion special appearance in season 6. After Kristen left the series, she stirred clear of the limelight. She’s now a happy mother to a girl named Winter-Rose and to another baby, slated to arrive in 2024. Kristen also runs a DIY page and YouTube channel, showing her followers ways to do cost-effective make-up and providing tips on beauty aesthetics.
Lea Beaulieu Has Been Keeping Busy Traveling the World
Lea Beaulieu, the South Beach Rebel from South Beach, Florida, wasn’t a typical glamor girl. Heavily tattooed and pierced, the once reserved now wild child enjoyed stirring up a storm whenever and wherever she liked. Lea was part of her season till the end and made quite a statement with several of the castmates. She was also a part of the series spin-off ‘Love Games: Bad Girls Need Love Too,’ in season 2 and won it as well with Robert AKA The Boy Toy. After the series wrapped up, Lea went off the radar a little. However, her social media seems to indicate that she’s been keeping busy with friends and family and is involved in quite a bit of traveling. She has also been working on her physical and mental health.
Morgan Osman is Now the Owner of a Luxury Clothing Brand
Miami Beach, Florida’s Morgan Osman was referred to as The Uber B**ch on the series. The last of the original bad girls of the season, Morgan was high on confidence when she entered the show. Having lived and enjoyed the high life in the company of several celebrities, her world was all about being gorgeous and staying present at some of the most notorious yet hottest clubs of South Beach. However, her attitude eventually got her removed from the house after she broke into the production’s office and got into a physical fight with castmates Brandi, Erica and Danielle. After her short-lived stint on the show ended, Morgan returned to enjoying the high life, doing photoshoots and modeling assignments. She also started her home-grown business venture, a luxury handmade clothing brand under her own name.
Kayleigh Severn is Focused on Her Family and Love For Traveling
Kayleigh Severn AKA The Kung-Fu Diva from San Diego, California, was one of the replacement girls on the show. She had come in place of Morgan in episode 3, but soon after, in episode 7, she decided to quit after having multiple rounds of poor arguments with Kristen. Kayleigh has been spending time with her family recently. She shared joyful pictures of her brother and sister-in-law and welcomed the newest member of the family in 2022. Kayleigh loves to travel and enjoys sharing snaps of her trips with her fans on her social media profile.
Ashley Cheatham Now Stays Away From the Limelight
Houston, Texas’s Southern Belle Ashley Cheatham was another replacement girl in the season, coming in place of Catya. While she managed to stick around right till the end, in the second last episode, she and Christina had a bit of tension between them. Things further escalated beyond control till they eventually cooled down. She had another shot with reality television in 2012 when she appeared on VH1’s ‘Mama Drama,’ with her mother, Sharon Cheatham. Ashley has stayed away from the limelight and has preferred to remain in the company of close friends and her mother, as the duo often share snaps of their fun getaways. In 2023, she gifted her mother a brand-new Porsche.
Christina Hopkins Has Maintained a Low Profile
The third replacement girl of the season was Christina ‘Teeny’ Hopkins from Richmondtown, New York. She had come in place of Kayleigh but was subsequently removed from the show in the finale following an ugly physical altercation with Ashley, Lea & Erica. Ever since the season wrapped up, Christina has gone off the radar a little. Though she has a social media presence, she remains inactive there, and it isn’t clear where she currently resides or what she has been up to.
Read More: Is Bad Girls Club Scripted?
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