Investigation Discovery’s ‘Murder In The Heartland: Unbrotherly Behavior’ brings to the viewers the case of David Weedman. The 62-year-old was found dead in his home in what was initially considered a self-inflicted gunshot wound but was quickly ruled a homicide. The investigation eventually led to Randal Coalter, who was one of the last persons to have seen David alive. He was later convicted for David’s murder in August 2017. On the show, Barb Dauby, one of David’s sisters, shared some stories about her brother growing up. Curious to know where she might be now? Here’s everything we know!
Who is Barb Dauby?
Barb Dauby is David’s younger sister by seven years. She stated that the two of them were very close growing up. She described David as someone who was extremely helpful and trusting. He was always willing to give people a second chance and tried to be there for everyone. According to the family, David was diagnosed with throat cancer a few years before he had died but that never stopped him from doing things he loved to do.
David’s sudden death was difficult for the family. Donna Anderson, David’s older sister, was sure that her brother had not died of suicide and that was the belief of everyone in the family. It was stated that David was right-handed but when he was found, the gun was in his left hand, which was suspicious. When the autopsy was conducted, it became even more clear based on the entry and exit wounds that the wound was not caused by David himself. It was ruled a staged suicide, paving the way for a homicide investigation.
In a small town, rumors were quick to start, and Barb had stated on the show about hearing that the death of her brother might have been caused by someone he knew. As the investigation would reveal, David was in fact killed by an acquaintance. Randy Coatler was arrested and eventually found guilty of murdering David. The police knew that the two of them were acquaintances but did not know how they met.
The conviction was possible because of testimony from Nicki, Randy’s girlfriend, who was present with the two of them on the night of the murder. Randy suspected Nicki of having a sexual relationship with David and that ensued in an argument, ultimately ending in David’s death. Nicki told the police that she left after being attacked by Randy but he later admitted to killing David. Randy was sentenced to 60 years in prison in September 2017.
Where is Barb Dauby Now?
Barb stated that David was her best friend growing up and it was not easy coping with his death. When she was around 14 years old, their father had passed away, and ever since, it was David who took care of her. From what we can tell, Barb, now in her late 50s, still lives in Indiana. Barb talked about missing David every day and hoped that people remembered him for the love he had for life.
Read More: How Did David Weedman Die?
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