Directed by Joosje Duk, Netflix’s Dutch film ‘Happy Ending’ revolves around Luna and Mink, who are celebrating the first anniversary of their endearing togetherness. Their happiness, however, is affected by Mink’s inability to sexually satisfy Luna, who has been faking orgasms ever since they got together. To spice up their sex life, Luna proposes a threesome and the couple then invites Eve to share intimacy with them. Luna and Mink then embark on a sexual journey with highs and lows. Since the romantic drama revolves around pleasure and satisfaction, it is no wonder that the movie features several steamy sex scenes. Nevertheless, let us share our take on them upon ranking the same! SPOILERS AHEAD.
6. The First Time (Luna and Mink)
Luna and Mink got together as a couple upon sharing a night of intimacy. After their work at the beachside restaurant, they ended up sharing a good time with friends and colleagues. While drinking and singing, they came across the spark they had between them. What started as an endearing kiss grew to become a steamy sexual encounter for both of them. Luna finally got her man but she had to settle with a short-lasting sex as Mink finished up earlier than she expected. She faked having an orgasm for the sake of making Mink happy as she didn’t want to start their relationship with an awkward time.
5. The Montage of Togetherness (Luna and Mink)
After getting together, Luna and Mink grow as a couple by having sex regularly. They create their own world in which intimacy is a pivotal part of their lives. Whenever they can end up in bed, they enjoy having sex. Mink loses himself in the pleasure but for Luna, disappointment and dissatisfaction slowly cause distress. After short-lasting sex one after the other, she starts to seek comfort in the pleasure given by a vibrator. Still, she embraces the togetherness they have achieved as a couple by sharing intimacy day after day. The sex isn’t perfect but it brings them closer. It makes Luna yearn for a lifetime with Mink’s presence and love.
4. The Good Time Before the Storm (Luna and Mink)
After starting to have orgasms with Eve, Luna fears losing her togetherness with Mink. As she craves more sexual satisfaction from Eve, Luna gets alarmed about the fate of her relationship. She then decides to give Mink another chance. She gets ready for a steamy time with Mink with high hopes that her boyfriend will satisfy her enough for her to forget Eve. Eagerly, she wakes Mink up and they start to have sex. Her yearning for more makes Mink perform better in bed but better is not enough for the former. When he finishes up early again, Luna reveals that she has been faking orgasms for a long while.
3. The End of the Wait (Luna and Eve)
Luna fakes orgasm over a hundred times before realizing that she needs to spice up her sex life to get satisfied in bed. Upon meeting Eve randomly on the streets, Luna realizes that she is the one. When her plans fail, Eve steps up. She asks Luna about her likes and dislikes. The environmentalist goes to places Mink has never reached for Luna to immerse herself in pleasure. Finally, she cherishes the genuineness of what she has been experiencing sexually. Eve is understanding, both emotionally and physically. Luna responds to the same by having a real orgasm.
2. The Liberation (Luna and Eve)
Luna ends up on cloud nine when she ultimately has an orgasm after a year’s wait. But she isn’t ready to settle with one. Nor does she want to wait for Mink to learn the trick of making her satisfied. Thus, Luna goes to Eve alone without telling her boyfriend. She wants to share intimacy with Eve, without fearing the short, unsatisfied end to the same. Eve grants her wish and they both end up having sex at her place. It is forbidden for Luna but she cherishes her liberation from pretense as she celebrates the pleasure and satisfaction she gets from Eve.
1. The Experiment (Luna, Mink, and Eve)
When Mink leaves Luna dissatisfied over a hundred times, the latter realizes that she cannot remain settled with the same. Out of the blue, she asks Mink whether he is willing to have a threesome. When he nods yes unconvincingly, Eve enters the picture. Although doubtful at first, Mink starts to enjoy what Eve offers. Together, the three of them experiment with new realms of intimacy. Luna starts to love the slowness of Eve, who doesn’t hurry like her boyfriend. Mink, on the other hand, sets out to please both women. Luna’s “experiment” doesn’t end with the desired result but it opens a door to the same for her.
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