Where is Big Brother Season 26 Filmed?

Season 26 of ‘Big Brother’ transports us to a new house with contemporary, fantasy, and futuristic interior elements. The set of the CBS reality show is actually AI-generated for the season and features interesting concepts like the HOH room having a safe haven feel and the Have-Not Room looking like a bare-bones techno cave. The season also has a new mechanic of contestants voting on an additional player joining them in the house. With an exciting new group of contestants exploring every corner of the intriguing property, the show draws questions regarding the exact location of its shooting site.

Big Brother Season 26 Filming Locations

Shooting for ‘Big Brother’ season 26 is taking place in Los Angeles, California, beginning on July 16, 2024, and is expected to conclude after 90 days on October 13. The house seen on the show is actually a set built on a soundstage, which is designed based on AI-generated prompts for season 26. Ahead of the season premiere, season 25.5 was shot featuring a 12-hour ‘Big Brother’ minigame between eight media personalities and a social producer on the show.

Los Angeles, California

The set for ‘Big Boss’ season 26 was built in the Radford Studios lot in Studio City. Brimming with cinematic history and charm, Studio City is a quaint neighborhood that was originally established as a hub for the film industry. It still contains many iconic Hollywood studios including the Radford Studio Center at 4024 Radford Avenue. Also known as the CBS Studio Center, the historic studio has over 210,000 square feet of supporting office space and eighteen sound stages.

Most of the ‘Big Boss’ houses are built on one of the soundstages at the studio, including the house seen in season 25. For the 26th season, the production team made use of AI-generated interior design ideas based on their prompts and constructed the sets to match them. These included everything from the fantasy and the floating rock room to the future-themed room. When it came to creating the design for the Have-Not Room, the AI program crashed upon being fed its prompts. Thus, the team built a bare wireframe room to emulate the incomplete AI process.

The crew, working within a giant soundstage, made use of its expansive height to build the set. This means that the walls in the house are huge and stretch high into the ceiling. The space provides plenty of spots for the hundreds of cameras to be placed around the house that constantly monitor the contestants and often track them, especially to follow conversations. Some other shows shot at the Radford Studio Center include ‘Family Feud,’ ‘American Gladiators,’ ‘Seinfeld,’ ‘That ’70s Show,’ and ‘American Housewife.’

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