Dead Mount Death Play Season 2: Expected to Release Soon

Based on the eponymous Japanese manga series written by Ryohgo Narita and illustrated by Shinta Fujimoto, ‘Dead Mount Death Play’ is a supernatural action anime. The show follows the Corpse God, a powerful Necromancer who dies in a legendary war, following which he gets reincarnated as a young boy named Polka Shinoyama in modern-day Japan. While he tries to make sense of new and puzzling reality, he surprisingly gets targeted by Misaki Sakimiya, a high schooler who possesses some supernatural abilities and is out for his blood.

Soon he meets crime bosses named Lisa Kuraki and Takumi Kuruya, who end up becoming his unexpected allies in his quest to rationalize his reincarnation and uncover the dark realities of the world he now inhabits. The mysterious and exciting story of a literal Corpse God has got viewers all over the world hooked. The anime has received mixed reviews and boasts a decent overall rating on MyAnimeList.

Dead Mount Death Play Season 2 Release Date

‘Dead Mount Death Play’ was officially announced to release as a split cour even before the pilot episode of the anime premiered on April 11, 2023. So, instead of getting a second installment for now, fans can watch their favorite characters return with more exciting episodes in October 2023 in the Fall anime broadcast slate along with ‘Spy x Family’ season 2, ‘The Rising of the Shield Hero’ season 3, ‘The Eminence in Shadow’ season 2, and ‘Girlfriend, Girlfriend’ season 2. However, Studio Geek Toys has not officially commented on the show’s release dates as of now. But there is a chance that the anime will premiere sometime in the second week of October.

Fans who enjoyed the last episode, of cour one, would have probably known already that a second part or second installment was inevitable. The anime boasts a decent overall rating on MyAnimeList, coupled with mixed reviews on other platforms. Although the cast of the upcoming cour was not officially announced, generally, voice actors tend to reprise their roles when shows are released as a split cour.

Therefore, fans can expect to see Inori Minase, Yuuki Sakakihara, Yuuma Uchida, Hiroki Takahashi, Shouta Aoi, and Nobuhiko Okamoto voice the characters of the series. Manabu Ono is probably going to return as the director for the upcoming cour, too, with Hisashi Abe and Shinta Fujimoto handling the character design. The first cour had twelve episodes, so it’s highly unlikely that the next part will be twelve or thirteen episodes long. As the information about the show is made official, we will update the article with the latest information.

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