‘American Pain’ revolves around the thrilling story of how Florida drug kingpin twins — Chris and Jeff George — raked in millions by building the biggest prescription pill network in the nation’s history. The documentary uses FBI wiretap recordings and undercover videos, as well as interviews of various illegal trade participants, to provide a clear and concise view of what really went on behind the scene. The twins’ close friend and aide, Derik Nolan, also features in the film as he recounted his role in the nefarious scheme.
Who is Derik Nolan?
After going to prison for dealing illegally dealing with anabolic steroids in 2003, Christopher “Chris” Paul George joined his biological father’s flourishing real estate business. He became acquainted with Derik Nolan, who was also employed at the Georges’ ‘Majestic Homes’ construction firm. Derik reminisced, “We were both into the same type of things.”
Chris also recounted how the duo went to UFC fights, mosh pits, and gym together, “having fun red-neck style.” Soon, Derik would play a pivotal role in the pill empire of Chris and his twin brother, Jeffrey “Jeff” Frank George. He stated he became an enforcer at Jeff George’s clinics, delivering beatings to patrons who did anything that could attract police, such as snorting the drugs outside the clinics or handing them to a dealer.
He was proud of his role and could be heard boasting about it in a recorded clip obtained by the FBI. Derik could be heard saying, “I’m like the f—-ing underboss here. I’m the one who knows all (Jeff’s) dirty little secrets and the f—-ing one that gets called when s— needs to get done.” Derik recalled on the episode how he maintained discipline in the clinic premises and lamented how Chris always took the side of the patrons during various confrontations.
Derik Nolan Was Released After Serving Prison Sentence
According to the episode, Chris even told his wife, Dianna Marie Pavnick George, about how Derik seemed to be “mistreating” the clients and wanted to warn him to rectify his rowdy behavior. However, the Georges’ business started to get so big that law enforcement got a whiff of it. The FBI, DEA, and IRS-CID were assisted by various local police and sheriff’s departments as they began an investigation. Derik pleaded guilty to his role in managing the pill mills and was sentenced to 14 years in prison in December 2011. He has been released from jail.
Read More: Chris and Jeff George: Where Are the Drug Kingpins Now?
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