Netflix’s ‘The Kings of Tupelo: A Southern Crime Saga’ is a true crime documentary series that explores the life and career of Paul Kevin Curtis as an Elvis impersonator and conspiracy theorist. His theories resulted in an intense feud with a local politician named James Everett Dutschke, which led to Paul’s unexpected arrest over some poison-laced letters sent to a couple of US officials, including the President. Among all the individuals featured in the documentary is Paul’s mother, Elois Curtis, who talked about his views and opinions regarding the entire debacle.
Elois Curtis Was a Huge Elvis Presley Fan and Alleged She Personally Knew Him
While growing up, Elois Curtis had immense admiration for Elvis Presley, so much so that she wanted to get acquainted with the King of Rock and Roll someday. In 1954, after Elvis’ performance at the Louisiana Hayride, Elois reportedly jumped on the golden opportunity and met him personally. As per her claims, they stayed connected with each other, though distantly. When she entered motherhood and was raising Paul Kevin Curtis, she used to call him “little Elvis,” which encouraged him to become an Elvis impersonator at a very young age, playing his music and mimicking his voice. After he turned 14, Elois bought him his first Elvis Presley jumpsuit and urged him to participate in Elvis impersonator contests, most of which he won.
Although Paul was not great in academics, his mother was not really concerned as she believed he would go on to do great things in life. Elois even took a bank loan to purchase an Elvis suit made by Elvis Presley’s official suitmaker and a belt crafted by his official beltmaker in Memphis for her prodigal son. He went on to make a name for himself as an Elvis impersonator alongside her other son, Jack Curtis. Paul and Jack, both Elvis impersonators, started a duo show called “Double Trouble.” She claimed that in the later years of Elvis Presley’s life, he used to call her every once in a while, and they prayed together over the phone. When Elois learned about the arrest of her son, Paul, in 2013 in relation to ricin-laced letters sent to President Obama, she was shocked and convinced he was not responsible for the crime.
Elois Curtis Witnessed Her Sons Return to the Stage as Double Trouble
Hailing from Monroe, Mississippi, Elois Curtis completed her schooling at a local school in Bude, Mississippi. In pursuit of a successful professional career, she worked hard and earned a degree from Copiah–Lincoln Community College (also known as Co-Lin) in 1982. A couple of years later, she tied the knot with the love of her life in the presence of her family and friends. The pair eventually brought two sons into the world. At some point, she was an Independent Entertainment Co-ordinator and President of a local Elvis Presley Fan Club. After several decades, when her sons reunited and performed as the “Double Trouble” in 2024, she ensured to attend the historic show at Lyric Theater in Tupelo, Mississippi.
Read More: Jack Curtis: Where is Paul Kevin Curtis’ Brother Now?