Evil: Is Find My Doppel a Real Website?

Image Credit: Elizabeth Fisher/Paramount+

The fourth season of Paramount+’s ‘Evil’ presents Kristen, David, and Ben with a new set of challenges, with each episode focusing on a new problem that must get to the root of the problem to know whether it is supernatural or psychological. In the twelfth episode of the season, the trio comes across the case of a man named Paul, who believes he is possessed by a man named Gregory. What makes things more interesting is that Gregory was Paul’s doppelgänger. They looked exactly like each other, and yet they had very different lives. Paul’s case sparks curiosity in the trio, and they wonder what life looks like for their doppelgänger. This leads them to a website called Find My Doppel. The interesting premise of the case and the nature of the website are enough to intrigue the audience and make them wonder if there is such a website through which they find their own doppelganger. SPOILERS AHEAD

Find My Doppel is a Fictional Website in Evil

With each episode, ‘Evil’ presents a new and interesting concept to the audience but always keeps things realistic by picking stuff from real life, something that the audience could relate to as well. The same goes for the case of the doppelgängers in the episode titled ‘Fear of the Other.’ While the doppelgänger phenomenon is real, the website featured on the TV show is not. It is made up to serve the plot. Still, for those interested in finding their own doppelgängers, several websites out there offer these services. Some use words like “double” or “lookalike” instead of “doppelgänger,” but they serve the same purpose. It falls on the user to verify the veracity of such websites before using them.

In ‘Evil,’ Ben finds the website to understand the case better and find a way to make things better for Paul. He believes that by finding another doppelgänger of Paul who is having a great life, as opposed to Gregory, who killed himself, Paul’s spirits will be lifted, and he will realize that he doesn’t have to end up the same way his doppelgänger and his father did. Despite their inhibitions to explore the website, Ben and Kristen decide to see what life looks like for their doppelgängers.

Ben discovers that his doppelgänger has a family, and he is happy in his life. Kristen’s curiosity leads her to discover that her doppelgänger lives in a different part of the world, likes to sing, and has a much different life. While David doesn’t explore his doppelgänger, Kristen does and discovers that his lookalike is a boxer. The idea of this other David arouses Kristen, and she wonders what things would have been like between her and David if he had not been a priest. But, in the end, they all accept that this is just wishful thinking, and they must live the life they chose for themselves.

Read More: Evil: Is Last Connection a Real AI Company?