Premiered on November 3, 2015, ‘The Great Pottery Throw Down’ is a captivating British television competition that unfolds with each episode, a group of enthusiastic amateur potters facing off in a creative duel. Armed with given specifications, contestants embark on the journey of designing a ceramic masterpiece, molding it from clay, and ultimately presenting their creations to the discerning judges.
Since their time on the show, the contestants of season 1 have taken diverse and exciting paths in the world of ceramics. Many have continued to hone their craft, establishing themselves as talented artists within the pottery community. Some have opened their own studios, showcasing their unique styles and contributing to the vibrant landscape of contemporary pottery. Let us know where these potters are today.
Matthew Wilcock is Now a Freelance Potter
Matthew Wilcock, son of ceramic teachers from the small village of Giggleswick became the youngest potter of the show and seized victory in season 1. Throughout the show, he claimed the title of “potter of the week” in four out of six episodes and captivated the nation with his mild manner and distinctive blonde dreadlocks. He was once a former teacher at Giggleswick School, England, and now a freelance potter working on his art. He keeps his life private, focusing more on his skills and his work as an artist.
Jim Ranson is the Owner of James Erin Ceramics Today
Jim Ranson, a painter and decorator hailing from the charming seaside town of Bognor Regis, had been quietly molding clay in his garden for many years and generously supplying an upmarket hotel with dinnerware annually before appearing in the show. His talent led him to become the runner-up on the show. Post-show, Jim’s passion for pottery blossomed even further. He now supplies kitchen wares to wholesalers, explores gallery outlets, and conducts workshops, all while maintaining a thriving online presence through his website, James Erin Ceramics. Also, He is the main Man at Rock’n’Roll Potter.
Sally-Jo Bond is an Interior Designer Today
Sally-Jo Bond, the artistic soul from Petersfield, may not have clinched the top spot during the show, but she consistently stood out as a formidable contestant, catching the eye for a potential “top potter” title. After the show, Sally-Jo is now married with children and has seamlessly transitioned back into her life as an Interior Designer at Bond & Hicks Interiors with pursuing her passion in pottery as well.
Tom Knowles Jackson Now Owns The Clay Loft and Clay at The Fold
Tom Knowles Jackson, a retired Army Major hailing from St Chloe in Cotswolds, emerged as one of the consistently impressive potters in the show. His unwavering dedication to crafting marvel-worthy pieces set him apart as a trusted artisan. Since the show, Tom’s journey in pottery persists, marked by the establishment of his online presence through the website Tom Knowles Jackson Ceramic. He has expanded his influence beyond his solo endeavors by founding two open-access ceramic maker spaces: The Clay Loft and Clay at The Fold.
Rekha Sameer is a Conceptual Artist Today
Rekha Sameer, a Mumbai native, embarked on a journey into pottery when she became a batchmate of her own two kids in Central Saint Martins. After showing tremendous progress in the show, Rekha has undergone a remarkable transformation in her professional life. She has transitioned from a participant in a pottery competition to a conceptual artist by curating her own exhibitions. She has also become a mentor, sharing her knowledge by teaching art to undergraduates and secondary school students. She is now a founding member of Salon Noir (Fine Art), London too.
Nigel Matthews is Now an Accomplished Ceramicist
After toiling in the construction industry for decades, Nigel Matthews’s life took an unexpected turn. He soon discovered a passion that led him to pursue a ceramics degree. Post-show, he is now an accomplished ceramicist and stands out as a proficient maker and innovative designer. Nigel beautifully interprets this mismatched aesthetic in his original handmade designs. He now has a studio in Derbyshire that showcases his dedication to his craft and the unique blend of tradition and innovation that defines his creations.
James Greenwood is a Celebrated Author and TV personality Today
James Greenwood, a former vet, delved into pottery through an evening class, setting up his makeshift studio in his garden shed. He has not only embarked on a creative journey in pottery after the show but is a familiar face on both TV and radio, showcasing his diverse talents. He’s been featured in various TV shows, including ‘The Apprentice: You’re Fired!’ in 2006 and the series ‘Morning Live.’ He also made appearances in ‘The Pet Show,’ ‘The Dengineers,’ ‘Saturday Mash-Up,’ and ‘The Pets Factor,’ highlighting his versatility in the entertainment industry. He has also made his mark as an accomplished author of the book ‘For the Love of Animals.’ He shares his experiences of navigating life as a new dad through surrogacy, all while being the proud owner of a dog named Dolly.
Joanna Morris Operates Under the Name of The Graffham Potter Today
Joanna Morris’s journey into pottery commenced when she set out to craft a pot for a bonsai tree, sparking a passion that has flourished ever since. After mesmerizing the audience with her talent, she continues to weave her magic in the world of pottery by operating under the name The Graffham Potter. Joanna continues to find a global audience as she showcases by decorating using the sgraffito technique and sells her work online,ensuring that her artistic flair reaches admirers far and wide.
Sandra Whyles is Now a Ceramic Studio Owner
Before the show, Sandra Whyles found solace and creativity in pottery in her rented studio but after the show, Sandra’s journey took a significant turn as she transformed herself into a business owner. She now proudly owns Sazi Studio Ceramics, selling her art through her dedicated website.
Jane Williams Creates Ceramic Homeware Today
Jane Williams, a potter who graduated from the Royal Forest of Dean College’s ceramics course, transformed herself beautifully into the world of pottery. The show not only revealed the depth of her craft but also demonstrated how wonderfully she harnessed her skills, turning her passion into a thriving post-show endeavor. Jane now boasts his own studio by crafting a range of functional and decorative homewares inspired by environmental patterns. He now works part-time and teaching ceramics bilingually at a local FE college and conducting workshops.
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