Created by Justin Halpern, Patrick Schumacker, and Dean Lorey, ‘Harley Quinn’ is a Max adult-animated series that revolves around the eponymous main character. Originally developed by Paul Dini and Bruce Timm, Harley Quinn has become one of the iconic characters of DC Comics, and there are already several iterations of her in multiple mediums. As a show, ‘Harley Quinn’ focuses on her gradual transition into a hero, though the question that starts to rise halfway into season 4 is how long her crime-fighting days will last. In episode 5, titled ‘Getting Ice Dick, Don’t Wait Up,’ as Barbara goes missing, Harley becomes increasingly worried and starts looking for her friend, not realizing someone else closer to her might be in graver danger. Meanwhile, as Ivy’s popularity begins to soar, Lex lends her his PR team. Here is everything you might want to know about the ending of ‘Harley Qwuinn’ season 4 episode 5. SPOILERS AHEAD.
Harley Quinn Season 4 Episode 5 Recap
The episode begins with Gordon and his wife in some snowy parts of North America, getting ready to have sex by the fire in a cabin. Gordon claims to be happy but virtually flees when Nora calls him and asks him whether he will be security at the Legion of Doom, leaving his wife behind. Meanwhile, in Gotham, Harley realizes that Nightwing and Damian aren’t entirely fond of her. She also finds out that she has poor night vision while being involved in a brawl with a group of minor criminals. She later gets eye surgery and can’t get anyone to pick her up. Ivy seems to be increasingly busy with her work as the CEO of the Legion of Doom, Barbara can’t be found anywhere, and the rest of the Bat family don’t really care about her. Eventually, Barbara’s trans roommate, Alysia, shows up. She reveals that Barbara has been missing for a few days but adds that it’s pretty common. However, when Harley speaks to Nightwing, he reminds Harley that during those times Barbara was with them.
At the Legion of Doom headquarters, Lex shows up with his PR team and gives them to Ivy, despite the latter’s reluctance. He has also started to look different, with frizzy hair going on his head. Gordon, after returning to Gotham, is introduced to Ivy’s three mentees: Terra, Volcana, and Tefe, who struggle to draw Ivy’s attention because of her packed schedule.
Nora gives Gordon a tour of the office before showing him a cloning device and a black hole generator device randomly left in the office kitchen. A scene that happens later in the episode might play some role in the future narrative. Gordon mistakenly puts a potato in the cloning device that looks like a micro-oven. There is a hair on it that looks distinctively like Harley’s. This is bound to play an important role in the narrative as the season goes forward.
With Alysia and two hyenas as company, Harley travels to the mountains in search of Barbara. She causes an accident, likely the result of her anxiety as her desire to do good clashes directly with her inherently violent tendencies. When she shows up at the mountains, she viciously beats up Captain Cold and his friends with similar powers, believing them to be responsible for Barbara’s kidnapping, but then Barbara shows up and reveals that she came to the mountains to be with her mother after Gordon abandoned her.
In Gotham, Gordon starts to feel increasingly lonely. He tries to establish a friendly bond with Ivy’s mentees, but that doesn’t materialize. It is also revealed Gordon now lives out of the Legion of Doom headquarters.
Harley Quinn Season 4 Episode 5 Ending: Is Nightwing Dead?
Yes, Nightwing is dead in the fourth season of ‘Harley Quinn.’ Toward the end of the episode, after things have settled down, Barbara and Harley talk, and the latter starts to speak about her insecurities. This is when she spots Nightwing’s body up on the tree. Harley initially thinks that the young superhero is alive, but then, the body falls into the fire, and Nightwing is very much dead.
The Bat family has a plethora of enemies, and it can be anyone among them that could have killed Nightwing, who has been significantly powered down to show that he would need combat advice from Harley. So, any member of Batman’s rogue gallery could be the potential killer, though given the narrative circumstances, it can only be one of the few top villains in the series. The Joker is the most obvious choice, especially now that he has turned violent again. But there is a level of subtlety in Nightwing’s murder, and the Joker is anything but subtle. Harley should be among the suspects, but she was busy with finding Barbara the entire time. We see her in a trance in the previous episode while destroying Nightwing’s air fryer. Perhaps she was in a similar stage when she killed Nightwing.
Read More: Are Elon Musk and Mark Zuckerberg in Harley Quinn Season 4?
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