‘Hell’s Kitchen’ is a reality competition cooking show hosted by celebrity chef Gordon Ramsay, who puts aspiring young chefs through a series of rigorous challenges and dinner services. The eighteenth season of the show premiered on Fox on September 28, 2018, and consisted of two teams of chefs, named “Rookies” and “Veterans”, who competed for a job as an Executive Chef at Gordon Ramsay Hell’s Kitchen Restaurant at Caesars Palace in Las Vegas, Nevada. Sixteen participants fought for the title and it has been a long time since we heard about them.
Ariel Contreras-Fox is a VP of Two New York Restaurant Today
Ariel came back to Hell’s Kitchen after landing in the third position in season 6. This time around she had grown as a chef and ended up being the winner of the eighteenth season. Interestingly, she turned down the Executive Chef position offered by Gordon Ramsay because she wanted to stay closer to New York. She took up the role of Executive Chef at Dos Caminos in 2017 and announced on January 1, 2020, that she will be acting as Vice President of Del Frisco’s Double Eagle, Del Frisco’s Grille, and Dos Caminos.
She continued her stints in reality TV and appeared on the first episode of ‘Hell’s Kitchen Season 20’ and Food Network as a guest judge. She co-authored ‘Freckle-Faced Foodie: Journey of a Young Chef’ with her mother. On March 1, 2020, Ariel got married to Alexander Mangual and they had a daughter, Charlotte Grace, in 2018. Ariel has another young daughter and the four of them make a loving and happy family together. It seems like she is thriving both professionally and personally and will continue to do so.
Mia Castro is Now a Food Photographer
Mia was a private chef from Miami and lost the title of winner to Ariel in the final episode of the season. She was respectful of the results and decided to move back to Miami afterward. She is currently working as a private chef and a food photographer and is a very big presence on Instagram. She has also made a few appearances on A&E TV and Food Network and finds herself catering to high-profile clients. She is seemingly very close to her family as she posts heartwarming pictures with them frequently and she is also shining brighter than ever.
Bret Hauser Works as a Private Chef in Miami Today
The Florida resident came back to Hell’s Kitchen after he left Season 14 due to an injury. He was eliminated in the penultimate episode but he earned the respect and appreciation of Gordon Ramsay and was allowed to keep his jacket. In November 2018, after the release of the show, Bret was arrested in Palm Florida Beach and was charged with trafficking in synthetic products, possession of marijuana of less than 20 grams, and possession of drug equipment. In an interview with the Palm Beach Post, he said “I’m a cannabis user and everyone knows it. I am far from a drug trafficker.” Bret is currently working as a private chef in Miami and frequently posts delicious-looking dishes on his Instagram.
Chris Motto Continues to be an Executive Chef Now
The Executive Chef from Baton Rouge, Louisiana, voluntarily left the show in the 18th episode right before the finale. After he left the show, he joined Mansurs On The Boulevard in Baton Rouge in the role of Executive Chef and is currently working in the same position at Jubans. He won the title of Best Chef in 2021, declared by 225 magazines, and has also featured in Forbes Forty Under 40 of Baton Rouge Business Report. Motto has also been working to raise funds for a lot of charities and nonprofits through cooking events. On a personal front, he got married in November 2018, to Brooke Ortego Motto, and it seems like both of them have a lot of fulfilling and flourishing years ahead of them.
Heather Williams is Acing Her Professional Life as a Single Mom Today
Heather was a runner-up in Season 16 of ‘Hell’s Kitchen’ but she did not bring the same precision and determination to this season. She was eliminated in the 13th episode but she was not deterred. Heather went on to become an executive Chef at Leaf Cigar Bar and is currently working as an Executive Chef at Lehigh Valley IronPigs. She is a single mom and is acing life both professionally and personally.
Kanae Houston Offers Cooking Classes Now
Kanae was a lead Line cook from Los Angeles who was eliminated in the 12th episode of the season. She was appreciated by Ramsay for her skills and expertise and he believed she would have a promising future. Kanae has delivered on these expectations as she is currently working as a private chef in LA and is the owner of a company named ‘Always Homemade’ which offers cooking classes through the same.
Trevor McGrath is a Primary Chef Now at Indiana Market
Trevor aka Trev had been a contestant on the eighth season of ‘Hell’s Kitchen’ and he came back in the eighteenth season as well. He was eliminated after the ninth service due to poor leadership skills and inconsistent performance. After his exit from the show, he started a catering company called YooNeke and has also appeared in ‘Cutthroat Kitchen’ for their 14th and 15th seasons. He is also a Primary Chef at Indiana Market and Catering and is leading a successful life in Florida.
Jose DeJesus is a Private Chef at a New York Restaurant Today
Jose made an appearance on ‘Hell’s Kitchen’ for the first time and made it to the 10th episode. After he departed from the show, he went back to his pop-up dining company called Breaking Bread Kitchen and then joined Eataly in the role of Chef De Cuisine. Since 2017, he has been working as a private chef in an underground restaurant in the Bronx, New York, and is an on-set chef for ‘Beat Bobby Flay Champ’. He has chosen to keep his personal life private but his popular Instagram page is rife with drool-worthy pictures of food and drinks. It seems like he is making great strides in life and is set for more.
Scotley Innis Owns a Jamiacan Restaurant Now
The Sous Chef from Atlanta, Georgia, had to leave the show after the seventh service due to a deteriorating performance. He went back to his position as Executive Chef at 5Church and has only risen since then. He is currently the co-owner of Continent Restaurant and Cigar Lounge and the owner of Scotch Yard To Go Orders. He is also working as a chef at The Lions in Atlanta and MODish. He is known for infusing Jamaican flavors and cooking styles into his food and has been noticed by many food critics as an upcoming and rising star. It seems like Innis is on his way to bigger and better success and there is no stopping him anytime soon.
Rosanne DiLeo is Enjoying Life as an Executive Chef Today
After DiLeo served slightly raw steaks in the 18th episode of the season, she was eliminated from the competition. She made an appearance on ‘Chopped’ in 2019 and has been working as an Executive Chef at City Tavern. Her Instagram is full of pictures of her two lovely dogs, Frank and Otto and she seems to be leading quite a normal, happy life for herself.
Elizabeth Barton is Now a Regular at Online Cooking Shows
Elizabeth aka Gizzy on the show is from Georgia and had to make her exit from the show in the seventh episode in the “cook for your life” challenge. Following her exit from the competition, she resumed her position as a Sous Chef at Ecco and subsequently launched her meal plan venture. Engaging in cooking events and online shows has become a regular part of her routine, and reports are suggesting she has tied the knot. It’s evident that she’s carving a path toward a remarkable future, and our good wishes are with her for all her endeavors.
Torrece Gregoire is a Culinary Cuarator Today
Trevor, also known as T Gregoire, who was a runner-up in the 14th season, experienced a defeat in the 18th season competition. Following her return from the show, she progressed to the role of executive chef at Draper Mercantile, eventually ascending to the position of Director. In January 2023, she made an exciting announcement about her newly established restaurant, Union 41, located in Bristol. Currently, she is engaged as a private chef and culinary curator, and she takes pride in being the devoted owner of two charming dogs, Bao and Roux. Her trajectory indicates a clear aspiration for higher accomplishments, and there’s no doubt that she possesses the determination to realize them.
Chris Mendonca is Now Living a Balanced Life as Chef and Parent
The Executive Chef from Boston made quite a mark in the show but he decided to voluntarily quit in the 6th episode. He said that his mental health had taken a toll and he would not be able to continue. After he left the show, he went on to become a Chef de Cuisine at Ward 8 and followed it up by becoming a Chef at The Automatic Food and Drink. He is a “supporter of self-sustainability” and a champion of mental health. Chris has an adorable 5-year-old daughter and he is seemingly an outstanding father who is carving the way for a grander life.
Kevin Cottle is a Food Director at Powder Ridge Today
The Middletown, Connecticut, veteran Chef of Hell’s Kitchen, was eliminated from the competition after the 5th episode. He returned to Powder Ridge Mountain Park and Resort in the capacity of Executive Chef and is currently the partner there. Kevin has gone on to become the Director of Culinary Operations since March 2019. He has long been married to Shanna Lambis and they have a lovely young daughter together and it seems like they are fond of travel and play.
Jennifer Gavin is a Private Chef Today for Celebrities
After Jen accused Gordon Ramsay of trying to sabotage her, she exited the show in the 3rd episode. She had landed in the fourth position when she made her first appearance in Season 4. After her exit, she started working for Edible Passport again and offered cooking classes, catering, and private chef services. She is currently a personal traveling chef for celebrities and is still working with Edible Passport. She posts pictures of her lip-smacking food very often and is rising the ranks one step at a time.
Scott Popovic is a Culinary Innovations Manager Now
The first contestant to get eliminated on the show was Scott and he started working at Polaris Career Center as a Chef Instructor. In April 2023, he joined Nestle Professional in the role of Culinary Innovations Manager and has been working there. He has not made a lot of information about himself public but we are sure he will be making big strides in his upcoming journeys.
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