High Tides: All Locations of Netflix Drama Show Explored

Created by Anthony Van Biervliet, Netflix’s ‘High Tides’ is a Belgian teen drama series that chronicles the transformational journey of a wealthy group of teenage friends over the course of a tense summer on the Belgian coast. With their teenage phase coming to a close, each member of the group is slowly faced with the harsh realities of their approaching adulthood. Not only must they deal with love and societal expectations, but they must also find friendship and most importantly, themselves.

Originally titled ‘Knokke Off,’ the show consists of some talented actors, including Pommelien Thijs, Willem De Schryver, Eliyha Altena, Manouk Pluis, Ayana Doucouré, and Kes Bakker, all of whose heartfelt acting enhances the overall quality of the narrative. Given the usage of several interesting locations, including the beach and seaside sites, the viewers might be curious about the filming locations of ‘High Tides.’

High Tides is Filmed in Belgium

‘High Tides’ is filmed in Belgium, particularly in Knokke-Heist and its surrounding areas. As per reports, production for the inaugural iteration of the teen show got underway in June 2022 and wrapped up in about three months, in September of the same year. So, without wasting any more of your precious time, let’s traverse through all the specific sites that make an appearance in the Netflix production!

Knokke-Heist, Belgium

The shooting of many pivotal sequences for ‘High Tides’ takes place in Knokke-Heist, one of the Belgian municipalities in West Flanders. First and foremost, the beach and beachside scenes in the show are lensed on location, in and around Surfers Paradise at Zeedijk-Het Zoute, thv, Appelzakstraat in Knokke-Heist. Established in 1988, Surfers Paradise is an active water sports club where you can indulge in different kinds of water sports, including wave surfing, windsurfing, kitesurfing, and paddle boarding.

You also have the option to experience other beach and sea sports, such as beach volleyball and skateboarding, and all possible foil variants such as e-foiling, wind foiling, prone foiling, and kite foiling. Moreover, the scenes involving Alexander’s house are taped around an actual property at Sint-Hubertuspad 2, whereas the property at Sparrendreef 1-3 in Knokke-Heist stands in for Louis’ house. Situated along the North Sea, Knokke-Heist consists of various towns, out of which, the production team of ‘High Tides’ reportedly made the most of the town of Knokke.

The cast and crew members of ‘High Tides’ supposedly travel across the municipality and set up camp in various neighborhoods and streets in order to shoot different scenes against suitable backdrops. Thus, you are likely to spot several local attractions and landmarks in the backdrop, including Het Zoute, the Sincfala Museum, Scharpoord, the Zwin, and more. Furthermore, Knokke Heist has hosted the production of numerous film and TV projects over the years. Some of the notable ones are ‘Hannah,’ ‘Wittekerke,’ and ‘Voor wat hoort wat.’

Read More: Teen Movies on Netflix