AMC’s post-apocalyptic series ‘Fear the Walking Dead’ begins with the Clark family trying their best to safeguard themselves from the zombies who cause an apocalypse. Madison Clark and her children are joined by her husband Travis Manawa, stepson Christopher “Chris” Manawa, and Chris’ mother Elizabeth Ortiz. The zombie apocalypse changes the nature and characteristics of each of the survivors considerably, including Chris. He gradually becomes almost unrecognizable character-wise, startling his father Travis. The latter, however, doesn’t get to change his son since he dies young. But how exactly does Chris die? Why did Lorenzo James Henrie leave the post-apocalyptic drama? Well, let us share everything you need to know about the same! SPOILERS AHEAD.
Chris’ Death: A Fatal End
Even before the apocalypse, Chris was a troubled son. When the world around him crashed down due to the same apocalypse, Travis tries to safeguard his family, which includes Chris. Soon, the survivors start to kill for protecting themselves and their loved ones. Chris, however, started to cherish killing because of the violence and harm involved in the same. He even kills a tied-up prisoner upon lying that the man was going to turn into a walker. Chris’ change in behavior alarmed Travis and Madison, who are responsible for him after the death of his mother Elizabeth Ortiz. They soon realize that the young man is leading his life on the wrong path.
Chris’ fate gets rewritten when he leaves his father and joins Brandon and Derek. While he was driving with the duo, Chris falls asleep for a second, only to get stunned to see a hut upon waking up. He swerves the car to avoid hitting the same, only for the vehicle to roll down a hill and hit a palm tree. After the accident, Chris suffers from a compound fracture in his left leg. Brandon, who apparently became scared of Chris turning into a walker, kills the latter. When Chris goes missing, Travis finds out that Brandon and Derek killed his son. He then kills them by beating them to death.
Chris Manawa’s Story Arc Ends: Lorenzo’s Exit
Lorenzo James Henrie left ‘Fear the Walking Dead’ following the conclusion of his character Chris Manawa’s story arc, which comes to an end with the character’s death. The then-showrunner Dave Erickson killed Chris off to explore the impact of the same on Travis. “I think Lorenzo did really, really strong work throughout the show and it’s never an easy conversation to have, but it’s really about, to a certain degree — and we see it over the course of these last two hours — what happens to Travis. How does that turn him as we move into season 3? What does that do to him — as a person, and as a character?” Erickson told EW, detailing the reason behind concluding Chris’ storyline.
Upon conceiving Chris’ death, Erickson informed Lorenzo about the same. “Lorenzo was very gracious and understanding and realized that it was really ultimately about the story. So, never an easy conversation to have,” the then-showrunner added. Erickson then used Chris’ death to enhance Travis’ characteristics. “Travis was the moral compass of the show to a large degree — and frustratingly so, at times, for the audience. […] The one thing he promised Liza was that he would protect Chris, and he’s failed to do that. The apocalypse has taken his son, and it’s about to take him as well. So, he’s absolutely broken, and we’ve seen a level of violence with him that we have not witnessed before,” Erickson said in the same EW interview about Chris’ death affecting Travis.
Read More: When Does Nick Die? Why Did Frank Dillane Leave Fear the Walking Dead?
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