A shining addition to Rohit Shetty’s illustrious Cop Universe, ‘Indian Police Force’ follows daring Indian police officers as they track down a calamitous terrorist outfit operating on Indian soil. On the Delhi Police Raising Day, the capital city is rocked by a series of bomb blasts throughout its populated areas, with the Indian Mujahideen claiming responsibility for the attacks. DCP Kabir Malik (Sidharth Malhotra) and Joint CP Vikram Bakshi (Vivek Oberoi) mitigate some of the damage and are assigned to work with Tara Shetty (Shilpa Shetty), the ATS Chief of Gujarat, in tracking down the perpetrators.
The blasts were masterminded by Zarar, an Indian Mujahideen terrorist living under a false identity. As Vikram and Kabir edge closer to Zara, they are met by fierce resistance and race against time to prevent further attacks from taking place. Witnessing the scale of destruction caused by the terrorist bombings, and the intense pursuit of militants operating on home soil, some curious minds may seek out the inspiration behind the Amazon Prime series.
Is Indian Police Force Based on Real People?
‘Indian Police Force’ is a fictional story that uses the memory of multiple real events and organizations to ground its narrative in a chilling authenticity. From its militant outfits and police structure to terror attacks and bomb blasts, all are evocative of real-world groups and incidents, serving to increase our engagement with the plot.
Amazon provided Rohit Shetty with an unconstrained budget for the series, allowing him to keep its production quality up to the standard of films, thereby adding to the series’ believability with life-like recreation of settings and action sequences. “It took us three years to write because its like working on two and a half films,” said Rohit. “The kind of scale we had, it was as if we were shooting for a movie.” The director has gained renown with the success of his cop films, even creating a shared cinematic universe between them. ‘Indian Police Force’ is the latest installment in the police-focused media franchise with shared plot elements; it is preceded by ‘Singham,’ ‘Simmba,’ and ‘Sooryavanshi.’
India has suffered through clusters of terrorist bombings throughout its recent history, including in the national capital where the series is set. The September 7 bombing of the Delhi High Court was carried out by the Harkat-ul-Jihad al-Islami, believed to be supported by the Indian Mujahideen, the same outfit that is portrayed as the antagonist in the show. The scale of the attacks seen in the series somewhat replicates the intensity of the 2006 Mumbai train bombings and the coordination of the 2008 Mumbai attacks. The first episode of ‘Indian Police Force’ shows the Indian Mujahideen’s planned detonations using six timed explosive devices. The scenes are evocative of the 2006 Mumbai train bombing involved seven explosions taking place within eleven minutes.
Thus a major aspect of the show enhancing its authenticity is its portrayal of terror attacks, closely resembling their real-life counterparts both in terms of methodology and perpetrators. The Indian Mujahideen shown in the series bears a certain resemblance in methodology to its real-life counterpart. The jihadist group is known for carrying out dozens of bombings across India since 2005. In the first episode, as the blasts begin in Delhi, a news channel receives an email from the Indian Mujahideen claiming responsibility and issuing a warning. In 2008, in the northwestern state of Rajasthan, Jaipur was rattled by nine explosions within fifteen minutes. Shortly afterward, Indian media channels received an email from the Indian Mujahideen, claiming responsibility for the attack.
‘Indian Police Force’ stands out as a compelling addition to Rohit Shetty’s Cop Universe, offering a gripping narrative that skillfully intertwines fiction with real-world events. The series effectively uses the memory of actual terrorist attacks and organizations, grounding its storyline in a way that resonates with those aware of the incidents. While the show is a work of fiction, it draws inspiration from historical events such as the Delhi High Court bombing and the Mumbai train bombings, adding an element of realism to the portrayal of terror attacks. The meticulous attention to detail in recreating settings and action sequences, coupled with an unconstrained budget, contributes to the series’ believability, making it a noteworthy installment in the police-focused media franchise.
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