‘Block Party’ is a comedy movie about a young woman named Keke McQueen (Antoinette Robertson). After graduating from Harvard at 23, Keke is ready to move on from Grand Rapids, Michigan, her hometown, and get her dream job in Atlanta. However, she learns that her grandma Janice (Margaret Avery) is showing early signs of dementia. To help her grandmother, Keke puts her career on hold and travels back to Grand Rapids to save her grandma’s annual block party, called Summer Sizzle.
Directed by Dawn Wilkinson, the film is full of hilarious punchlines and chaotic antics. However, under all the comedy lies a sense of family and community that is sure to resonate with the viewers. Many fans are curious about how the movie’s story came about. Is it based on a true story or a creation of fiction? Well, here’s what we know about the same!
Is Block Party a True Story?
No, ‘Block Party’ is not based on a true story. The movie is a work of the creative imagination of Matt Allen, along with Lisa Mathis and Krista Suh. Director Dawn Wilkinson also added her own touch to make the film what it is. Despite its comedic nature and feel-good storyline, the movie sets a milestone within the industry as it is the first-ever movie to focus on Juneteenth since it was declared a Federal Holiday on June 17, 2021.
Celebrated every year on June 19, Juneteenth commemorates the abolition of enslaved African-Americans. The date marks the anniversary of the announcement of General Order No. 3 by Union Army General Gordon Granger in 1985. According to the order, all enslaved people in Texas, the last confederate state with institutionalized slavery, were granted freedom. The announcement was a huge cause of celebration within the African-American community.
Since the fateful day in 1985, Juneteenth has been celebrated in one form or the other all over the country. However, the day was not given the status of a legal holiday or even observed institutionally for many years. The first step in that direction fittingly came from Texas, when it became the first-ever state to recognize Juneteenth by law. The holiday became recognized in 49 states by 2021, with South Dakota following along in February 2022. The recognization of the day on the federal level by President Joe Biden came as a welcome announcement by most.
The United States is well-known for celebrating its holidays with parties and other celebrations. Juneteenth is no exception, and the parties surrounding the day are just as wild and fun as others. Through ‘Block Party,’ the audience sees how the present generation celebrates the historical day. The movie may not focus on the history or depth of the holiday, but it does depict the importance that it holds for the present generation.
Considering the factors mentioned above, we reiterate that though ‘Block Party’ may not be based on a true story, it definitely brings several realistic elements to the table. Whether it’s the hilarious yet accurate antics of grandma Janice or the heartfelt message regarding the importance of community, the fictional narrative of the entertaining drama movie has something for everyone to relate to.
Read More: Where was Block Party Filmed?
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