‘Bupkis’ is a comedy series that serves as the highly fictionalized and dramatized version of Pete Davidson’s personal life. Created by Davidson, Judah Miller, and Dave Sirus, the show features Pete Davidson, who portrays himself alongside other talented actors, including Edie Falco, Charlie Day, and Joe Pesci. Apart from them, each episode features cameos from different celebrities, such as Ray Romano, Paul Walter Hauser, David Howard Thornton, Chase Sui Wonders, and Charlamagne tha God. If you are a fan of Pete Davidson, you must be excited to learn more about this show and hence, learn more about him. In that case, we have got you covered!
What is Bupkis About?
A heightened and fictionalized account of Pete Davidson’s real life, the show gives us a glimpse into the inner workings of his mind by blending realistic storytelling with some preposterous and surreal elements here and there. Pete struggles to deal with his fame and is seen hanging out with some big celebrities, just like he does in real life. Now that your interest has peaked, here are all the ways to watch the comedy series yourself!
Is Bupkis on Netflix?
No, Netflix doesn’t house ‘Bupkis’ in its extensive content catalog. But the streaming giant more than makes up for it by giving you access to similar comedy series, including ‘Flaked‘ and ‘Master of None.’
Is Bupkis on HBO Max?
Unfortunately, ‘Bupkis’ is not included in HBO Max’s library. Alternatively, you can make the most of your subscription and turn to other shows that tickle your funny bone, such as ‘Curb Your Enthusiasm‘ and ‘Eastbound & Down.’
Is Bupkis on Hulu?
Hulu subscribers need to look for the Pete Davidson starrer on other platforms because it is unavailable on the streamer. However, you can tune into entertaining alternatives using your subscription. We recommend you watch ‘It’s Always Sunny in Philadelphia‘ and ‘Workaholics.’
Is Bupkis on Amazon Prime?
We hate to tell you that ‘Bupkis’ is not a part of Amazon Prime’s expansive collection. But don’t let it disappoint you too much because you can always turn to similar comedy shows on the streaming giant, including ‘According to Jim‘ and ‘Weegies.’
Where to Watch Bupkis Online?
‘Bupkis’ is available for streaming exclusively on Peacock’s official website. Besides that, you cannot watch the comedy series on any other platform, whether by streaming or purchasing. Thus, we suggest you subscribe to the streamer and get instantaneous access to all the episodes!
How to Stream Bupkis For Free?
Fortunately, Peacock offers a 7-day free trial to all its new users. So, you can make the most of this offer and stream ‘Bupkis’ for free. That said, we humbly request all our readers to support the art of cinema and pay for the relevant subscriptions instead of resorting to unethical methods to watch your preferred content.
Read More: Where is Bupkis Filmed?