‘Class of ’09’ is a crime drama series that revolves around a group of FBI agents of the class of 2009 who reunite after the death of a mutual friend. Created by Tom Rob Smith, the thriller show features stellar onscreen performances from a talented ensemble comprising Brian Tyree Henry, Kate Mara, Sepideh Moafi, Brian J. Smith, and Jon Jon Briones. Given the blend of lowkey sci-fi and suspenseful murders, many of you must be eager to learn more about this series. In that case, we have got you covered!
What is Class of ’09 About?
The narrative follows the reunion of some FBI agents of the same class as they try to deal with the changes in the US justice system due to artificial intelligence at different times. The crime show highlights humanity, the nature of justice, and how the choices one make defines their life and legacy. Now that your interest has peaked, here are all the ways to watch the show yourself!
Is Class of ’09 on Netflix?
Unfortunately, Netflix doesn’t house ‘Class of ’09’ in its expansive collection. However, the streaming giant makes up for it by giving you access to gripping alternatives such as ‘Travelers‘ and ‘The Umbrella Academy.’ The sci-fi angle with a group of individuals working towards a common goal links these two shows with ‘Class of ’09.’
Is Class of ’09 on HBO Max?
We hate to tell you that HBO Max doesn’t include ‘Class of ’09’ in its extensive content catalog. Alternatively, you can turn to similar shows the streamer offers, including ‘Mare of Easttown.’
Is Class of ’09 on Hulu?
We bring good news for Hulu subscribers! ‘Class of ’09’ is available for streaming on the platform, and you can catch all the episodes from here!
Is Class of ’09 on Amazon Prime?
No, ‘Class of ’09’ is not a part of Amazon Prime’s library. Still, don’t let it stop you from checking out thrilling alternatives on the streaming giant, such as ‘Hunters.’
Where to Watch Class of ’09 Online?
Apart from Hulu, you cannot watch ‘Class of ’09’ on any other platforms, whether by streaming or purchasing. Thus, we suggest you subscribe to the streamer and get access to all the episodes instantly.
How to Stream Class of ’09 For Free?
Fortunately, Hulu offers a month-long free trial to all its new subscribers. This means you can take advantage of this offer and enjoy ‘Class of ’09’ free of cost. Nevertheless, we urge our readers to pay for the content they wish to consume and support the art of cinema instead of resorting to unethical methods to do the same.
Read More: Where is Class of ’09 Filmed?