Created by Adam F. Goldberg, ‘The Goldbergs’ is an ABC situational comedy that tells the story of the titular family. The story is set in the 1980s in Jenkintown, Pennsylvania, and is loosely based on the family and youth of the series creator himself. The show also serves as a perfect homage to the aforementioned decade, celebrating contemporary fashion and pop culture. A number of the 1980s icons have already appeared in ‘The Goldbergs.’ The 10th season marks the appearance of The Hoff himself. A star of several celebrated projects throughout his career, including ‘Knight Rider’ and ‘Baywatch,’ Hasselhoff represents the campy goodness that the 1980s is known for. There has been much speculation about his possible involvement in the 10th season of the show. Here is everything you need to know about it. SPOILERS AHEAD
David Hasselhoff Does Appear in The Goldbergs
Yes, David Hasselhoff is in ‘The Goldbergs.’ The tenth season of the series begins a few months after the off-screen death of the patriarch of the Goldberg family, Murray Goldberg. As Adam, Erica, Beverly, and Barry deal with their loss, it manifests differently with each family member. Beverly refuses to part ways with the closet full of Murray’s clothes. Although Erica convinces her mother to do so, when she discovers that her father’s lounge chair is also gone, it proves too much for her. Meanwhile, because of a prank that Adam pulls, Barry believes that he will get to see his father again if he builds a baseball park in the backyard, just like it is shown in ‘Field of Dreams.’
The members of the Goldberg family help each other through their grief. As the main characters learn to live without Murray’s presence in their lives, they grow as human beings. This is especially true with Adam, who plays an integral part in Hasselhoff’s appearance in the series.
David Hasselhoff Plays Himself in The Goldbergs
In September 2022, a couple of weeks before the premiere, Hasselhoff shared several pictures with castmates. He also announced that he would be part of the cast for two episodes in season 10. Hasselhoff appears as a younger version of himself in episode 2, titled That’s a Schwartz Man.’ Adam is set to leave for college within a week, but he feels he isn’t ready to leave the nest yet. Unfortunately, instead of facing those sentiments himself, he unceremoniously dumps them on his mother’s shoulder, claiming that he can’t go because it will leave Beverly alone at home.
Meanwhile, Hasselhoff comes to Philadelphia to work on a project, and Barry desperately wants to get an autograph. Hasselhoff’s presence in the city gives Adam an idea. Instead of going to college, he will work as the actor’s personal assistant. As it always happens in ‘The Goldbergs,’ things work out in their own way. Adam apologizes to his mother for trying to put his decision not to go to college solely on her. Although he doesn’t become Hasselhoff’s personal assistant, he still gets the chance to work on a movie set.
Hasselhoff also appears in episode 4, titled ‘Man of the House,’ in which Barry and Adam compete to be the man of the Goldberg house in the absence of their father. Hasselhoff returns to give two important speeches in this episode.
Read More: Is Erica from The Goldbergs a Lawyer in Real Life?
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