Helmed by Stephina Zwane-Groenewald, ‘Home Wrecker’ is a South African mystery thriller movie that revolves around Kenzie, a down-on-her-luck lawyer who is jealous of her friend, Tamara’s perfect life. Desperate to take over everything the latter has, she devises a sinister plot to sabotage her happiness and take away everything she holds dear. With a gripping storyline and relatable characters, the drama thriller movie is made even better by commendable performances from actors like Letoya Makhene-Pulumo, Enhle Mbali Mlotshwa, and Craig Morris. Given the intriguing premise, you must surely be curious to know more about it.
What is Home Wrecker About?
Kenzie is an ambitious lawyer but has struggled to achieve her goals and create a stable future. Soon, she comes across her college friend and colleague, Tamara, who has built quite an enviable life for herself, with the perfect boyfriend, home, and an upcoming promotion. Envious of her friend’s achievements, Kenzie is soon consumed by blind rage and decides to claim everything Tamara has for herself. Thus, she slowly begins crossing all limits and forces her way into everything the latter calls her own. Does Kenzie succeed in her evil plan of snatching away Tamara’s life? To find out, you need to watch the movie, and here is how you can do so!
Is Home Wrecker on Netflix?
Unfortunately, ‘Home Wrecker’ is not available for streaming on Netflix anymore. Alternatively, you can check out another thriller film using your Netflix subscription — ‘I Care a Lot.’
Is Home Wrecker on HBO Max?
No, ‘Home Wrecker’ is not a part of HBO Max’s extensive catalog. However, you can still enjoy plenty of exciting alternatives on the streamer, such as ‘Gone Girl.’ While the premise is somewhat different, it also features a female main character who goes to extreme lengths to fulfill her desires.
Is Home Wrecker on Hulu?
Hulu users must look elsewhere, as ‘Home Wrecker’ is unavailable on the streaming service. But don’t be disappointed, as you can turn to several other thriller movies using your subscription, including ‘Greta‘ and ‘Resurrection.’
Is Home Wrecker on Amazon Prime?
Sadly, Amazon Prime doesn’t feature ‘Home Wrecker’ in its massive collection of movies and TV shows. Instead, you can check out many equally entertaining alternatives on the streaming platform. We recommend you watch ‘Smile‘ and ‘Caught.’
Where to Watch Home Wrecker Online?
‘Home Wrecker’ is currently unavailable on any online platforms at the moment. Hence, you will need to wait for it to be available on one of the digital platforms.
Read More: Is Home Wrecker Based on a True Story?