Based on the Japanese light novel series written by Patora Fuyuhara, ‘In Another World With My Smartphone’ or ‘Isekai wa Smartphone to Tomo ni.’ is an isekai fantasy series. The show follows Touya, an ordinary teenager who accidentally gets struck by lightning because of God’s mistake. In order to apologize to him, God then allowed him to start a new life in a fantasy world and also offered the teenager one wish. Touya chose to carry a smartphone that was magically charged and could access the internet in the new world. It marked the beginning of his exciting journey to live a fulfilling life in a completely new dimension that taught him many lessons. First released on July 11, 2017, the anime is all set to return with yet another season.
What is In Another World With My Smartphone Season 2 About?
In the season 1 finale, Linze, Yae, and Elze become one of Touya’s many brides. However, he later reconsiders his decision and tells them respectfully that he is not yet prepared to marry all of them. Meanwhile, Leed finds out that Mr. Babylon has foreseen Touya getting so many wives but is completely clueless about the fact that she will also be one of them.
In the second season of the show, Touya will find himself facing unexpected challenges when his new world will be infiltrated through the vulnerable interdimensional boundaries by creatures known as Phrases. Since the powers of these creatures are on par with even the protagonist, everyone soon realizes that they must pay special attention to fight them. In the moment of crisis, Regina will eventually turn out to be the most valuable ally by creating mech weapons that could take on the Phrases.
Is In Another World With My Smartphone Season 2 on Netflix?
The streaming giant currently does not have ‘In Another World With My Smartphone’ season 2 in its catalog. People with a subscription to the streaming giant can instead watch ‘Uncle from Another World.’
Is In Another World With My Smartphone Season 2 on Hulu?
Hulu’s subscribers who are looking for the series on the platform will be disappointed since it is highly unlikely to arrive on the streamer anytime soon. One can alternatively stream other isekai shows such as ‘Mushoku Tensei: Jobless Reincarnation‘ or ‘Arifureta: From Commonplace to World’s Strongest.’
Is In Another World With My Smartphone Season 2 on Amazon Prime?
Amazon Prime’s massive catalog of exciting shows does not include ‘In Another World With My Smartphone’ season 2. However, one can rent or purchase the first installment of the series here.
Is In Another World With My Smartphone Season 2 on Funimation?
You can watch both seasons of the show here.
Is In Another World With My Smartphone Season 2 on Crunchyroll?
Crunchyroll has licensed ‘ In Another World With My Smartphone’ season 2 for streaming outside Japan. In case you wish to watch all the latest episodes in original Japanese audio with English subtitles then you can head here.
Where to Watch In Another World With My Smartphone Season 2 Online?
In case you wish to watch In Another World With My Smartphone season 1, then you can rent or purchase the show on popular VOD platforms like Microsoft Store, Google Play, iTunes, and YouTube.
Is In Another World With My Smartphone Season 2 Available for Free?
First-time subscribers get a 30 and 14-day free trial on VRV and Crunchyroll respectively. So, viewers who wish to stream the anime free of cost can use the offers. However, they will have to watch the entire series in the trial period. We encourage our readers to refrain from using illegal means and only stream their favorite shows after paying the subscription fees.