Portrayed by John Boyd, Stuart Scola is an important character in the CBS series ‘FBI.’ Introduced in the second season premiere, Scola has since become one of the most popular characters in the series. Before becoming an FBI agent, Scola was a successful Wall Street stockbroker, working for Golden Sachs for seven years. He wasn’t necessarily disillusioned with his career as a stockbroker. He decided to leave that profession behind and have a career in law enforcement because he was after a more meaningful and rewarding life.
Scola has a younger sister named Alexandra. They lost their older brother, Doug, during the 9/11 incident. In season 5, Scola begins a secret relationship with fellow agent Nina Chase, who later reveals to him that she is pregnant and he is the father. If the recent events depicted in ‘FBI’ have made you wonder whether Boyd is leaving the show, we got you covered. SPOILERS AHEAD.
Scola’s Undercover Mission and Personal Turmoil
During the FBI crossover event ‘Imminent Threat,’ Scola goes undercover to find out who is after a large amount of C-4 in the black market. After Nina gets shot in Rome, Scola’s superiors initially keep the news hidden from him, believing that it can potentially be dangerous to let an undercover agent know that the lives of the woman he evidently cares a lot about and their unborn child are in danger. When Scola finds out about it, he starts acting erratically, jeopardizing the investigation. Toward the end of the episode, Scola visits Italy to see Nina. As they confess their love for each other, it is revealed that they are having a boy.
In season 5 episode 18, titled ‘Obligation,’ the New York FBI team investigates the abduction of the Deputy Commander of the Air Force. When his partner Tiffany “Tiff” Wallace asks about it, Scola informs her that the ultrasound went well and both Nina and the baby are doing alright, though he can’t help but point out how terrifying and bizarre what happened in Italy was.
Later in the episode, Tiff asks Scola whether the intel she has received about him wanting to switch to White Collars is accurate. A defensive Scola responds by saying that he is simply keeping all his options open. They return to the topic while searching for a pair of missing missiles, with Tiff asking Scola whether this sudden shift is Nina’s idea. Scola denies this, adding that Nina is taking a step back as well. As much sympathetic she is about Scola and Nina’s circumstances, Tiff wonders whether she will lose a partner.
Eventually, Scola gets the offer to join the White Collar unit of the FBI but he turns it down. As he explains to Tiff, he may not do the world’s safest job, but he likes what he does for work and who he works with, referring to Tiff. He admits that Tiff was right when she said that one can’t just wave a magic wand and hope nothing bad will happen; the world doesn’t work that way.
John Boyd is Not Leaving FBI
No, it’s highly unlikely for Boyd to leave ‘FBI’ at this point. After what happened in Rome, Scola is understandably worried about the safety of his and Nina’s fledgling family, but with Tiff’s help, he rises above those concerns and seems to rediscover why he joined law enforcement in the first place.
In an interview with TVLine, Boyd reflected on his character and Scola’s rapidly changing relationship with Nina. “[Nina’s experience has] put them in a situation that is catastrophic, and people grow closer from that,” Boyd explained. “It deepens their relationship a great deal and hopefully they make a decision to be together and to love one another.”
Read More: Did Shantel VanSanten’s Nina Chase Return to FBI?
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