Created by Matt Hubbard and Alan Yang (‘Parks and Recreation ‘), ‘Loot’ is a comedy series featuring Maya Rudolph as Molly Novak, a recent divorcee. She finds comfort in philanthropy after receiving $87 billion in settlement from her ex-husband. The light-hearted series takes viewers into the American billionaires’ world and flaunts Molly’s exquisite tastes and luxurious lifestyle.
In the series, Molly resides in a lavish and spacious modern house with some incredible amenities that make it a fitting abode for the billionaire. Therefore, viewers must be curious to learn whether the place from ‘Loot’ is real and where it is located. In that case, here is everything you need to know about Molly’s house in ‘Loot.’
Is Molly’s House in Loot a Real House?
In ‘Loot,’ Molly resides in a luxurious house she shares with her husband. However, after their separation, Molly keeps the house and often flaunts its several amenities. From a spacious walk-in close choke-full with designer items to a bowling alley, the home is equipped to play along with all of Molly’s whims. While some of the house’s amenities might seem unrealistic to the general public, Molly’s house in ‘Loot’ is indeed a real place.
The One (also known as The One Bel-Air) is the real-life luxurious estate that doubles as Molly’s home in the comedy series. The megamansion is spread over an area of 105,000-square-foot, making it one of the biggest modern homes in America. Film producer-turned-real estate developer Nile Niami developed the property.
According to reports, the mansion comprises 21 bedrooms and 42 bathrooms. The house is also equipped with some state-of-the-art amenities such as a 50-car garage, 50-person movie theater, sky deck, putting green, nightclub, cigar room, salon, bowling alley, 400-foot-long jogging track, and a 10,000-bottle wine cellar. Thus, The One Bel Air makes up for the perfect backdrop for showcasing Molly’s billionaire lifestyle.
Where Is The One Located? Who Owns It?
The show’s primary setting is The One Mansion, situated on Stradella Road in Los Angles, California. The house is a part of Bel-Air, the residential neighborhood on the Westside of Los Angeles. The community is known for being home to some of the wealthiest and most influential folks in modern America. Therefore, the makers chose The One not only to film the series but also as a primary setting creating the impression of Molly being among America’s wealthiest.
The same can be equated to the astronomical valuation of the megamansion. After foreclosure and bankruptcy, the house was listed for sale at an auction. It was eventually sold at a price of close to $126 million. With additional charges and auction fees, the total cost of acquiring the house came to a staggering $141 million. The house was purchased by Richard Saghian, the CEO of Fashion Nova, in March 2022. Thus, in reality, Saghian is the current owner of The Own, while Molly Novak owns it in ‘Loot.’
Read More: Is Molly Novak Based On a Real Person? Is She Really the Third Richest Woman in America?
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