Is Mr. Harrigan’s Phone’s Red Devil Ticket Real?

Netflix’s horror film, ‘Mr. Harrigan’s Phone’ is an adaptation of acclaimed author Stephen King’s novella of the same name from his collection ‘If It Bleeds.’ Directed by John Lee Hancock, the film tells the story of Craig, a teenager who bonds with an old businessman, Mr. Harrigan. After Mr. Harrigan’s tragic demise, Craig becomes sad and continues to cherish their friendship by calling Mr. Harrigan’s old mobile. However, the story turns sinister when Craig receives replies from the dead man’s mobile. In the film, the Red Devil lottery tickets are essential to Craig and Mr. Harrigan’s friendship. Therefore, viewers must wonder whether the scratch cards are based on real lottery tickets. If you are looking for answers about the Red Devil Tickets in ‘Mr. Harrigan’s Phone,’ here is everything you need to know! SPOILERS AHEAD!

The Symbolic Power of Mr. Harrigan’s Red Devils

In ‘Mr. Harrigan’s Phone,’ Craig is a teenager who studies at Gates Falls High School. He lost his mother at a young age. However, his penchant for reading books got him a job at Mr. Harrigan’s estate. The old and reclusive businessman likes the young boy’s reading skills and hires him to read books for him at his estate. Over time, Craig and Mr. Harrigan both become fond of each other. The two enjoy their interactions, and they also learn from each other. As a result, their friendship grows, and Craig’s job remains only a formality.

Mr. Harrigan insists on paying Craig for his services. However, instead of paying the teenager actual cash, he gives Craig lottery tickets. The scratch cards contain cash rewards, and Craig eagerly looks forward to trying his luck. The lottery tickets are of the Red Devil brand. However, it appears that the Red Devil lottery tickets are a fictional creation. The fictional scratch cards do not exist in reality and exist merely within the film’s world. The name of the lottery company remains within author Stephen King’s writing style as he specializes in supernatural and macabre elements. Moreover, the name echoes some of Mr. Harrigan’s views on modern technology. Likewise, the retro tickets also highlight Mr. Harrigan’s fondness for the old-school elements.

The Red Devil lottery tickets play an important role in the film’s narrative. While Mr. Harrigan pays Craig with the tickets, he never wins money from it until one Christmas during his freshman year in high school. Craig wins $3000 and uses most of the money to set up a college fund for himself. However, he uses some of the money to buy an iPhone for Mr. Harrigan. The iPhone plays a pivotal role in furthering Craig’s relationship with Mr. Harrigan. Craig teaches Mr. Harrigan how to use the smartphone and changes Mr. Harrigan’s perspective on technology. Ultimately, Red Devil lottery tickets in ‘Mr. Harrigan’s Phone’ is a fictional element that exists merely to further the narrative plot threads. The tickets are essential to Craig and Mr. Harrigan’s relationship and lead them to their shared connection through iPhones.

Read More: How Did Craig’s Mother Die in Mr. Harrigan’s Phone?