Directed by Theodore “Ted” Boborol, Netflix’s ‘The Entitled’ is a Filipino romantic comedy movie that revolves around a woman named Belinda Buenavista. Growing up in less than ideal financial conditions and with an absent father, her life is turned upside down when she realizes who exactly he is. Thrust into the middle of her father’s successful hotel business, Belinda has to learn to fit in with her sophisticated and wealthy peers with the help of a lawyer named Jacob.
Starring Alex Gonzaga and JC De Vera as the leading actors, the Netflix movie is a fountain of laughter that will leave you thoroughly entertained. Naturally, many admirers of the movie cannot help but be curious about its origins and production. Is ‘The Entitled’ inspired by real-life events, and where exactly did the filmmakers shoot it? Well, we are here to answer the same and more!
Is The Entitled a True Story?
No, ‘The Entitled’ is not based on a true story. The rom-com was written by Alex Gonzaga, Theodore “Ted” Boborol, and Noreen Capili, with Alex taking the leading role. Ted seated himself in the director’s chair and was delighted to be working on the project; he had previously worked with Alex in 2017 and was quite impressed with the actress. Hence, when Angelica Clarice Sales contacted him in September 2020 for ‘The Entitled,’ he was pretty excited.
As the project progressed, Ted hoped to transfer Alex’s incredible sense of humor to Belinda, her character in the movie. The actress is quite a well-known name on YouTube for her hilarious vlogs, and the director wanted the same comic element in his movie. Along with Alex and Noreen Capili, Ted brainstormed how the story would go and penned down the movie. Moreover, Alex was more than happy with her part in the Netflix production and hoped her fans would enjoy her performance.
The situation depicted in ‘The Entitled’ is undoubtedly a fictional tale brought to life by the cast and crew of the movie. Belinda’s journey in the narrative does highlight the differences between how people of different financial backgrounds live. Though some traits have been exaggerated for humor, the movie highlights some troubling aspects of society- it explores how people with privilege may think of others in a negative light simply based on their different lifestyles. Belinda’s struggle to fit in a strange new world that wants to change every aspect of her being, while rib-tickling, it also makes one question why such a thing is necessary to be accepted by others.
The Entitled Filming Locations
‘The Entitled’ was entirely filmed in the Philippines, particularly in and around Lipa. The movie’s cinematography was done under the guidance of Noel Teehankee, the director of photography. Now, let’s take a closer look at the shooting locations of the romantic comedy.
Lipa, Philippines
Officially known as the City of Lipa, Lipa served as the primary filming site of ‘The Entitled.’ Located in the Batangas province, a portion of the city is connected to Taal Lake. While it is hard to ascertain the exact date when people started living in the region in and around Lipa, it was officially established in 1702 and formally became a city on June 20, 1947. Due to its advantageous position between the Malepunyo Mountain Range and Mount Macolod, Lipa is protected from natural disasters. The mountains provide a layer of protection from typhoons, and Mount Macolod also acts as a barrier between the city and the Taal Volcano.
Over the years, Lipa has emerged as one of the most influential cities in the Philippines. Thanks to its proximity to Manila, the national capital, the metropolis has developed as a major financial, medical, and commercial center. This has led to Lipa having a well-developed infrastructure that contributes to the production of movies and shows. As such, several beloved films have been lensed within the boundaries of Lipa, including ‘The Healing’ and ‘Spirit Warriors: The Shortcut.’
Read More: Best Filipino Movies
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