‘Rocket Boys’ is a Hindi-language historical series created by Nikkhil Advani. It shines a light on the friendship between two extraordinary men that changed the course of history in India – Dr. Homi Jehangir Bhabha and Dr. Vikram Ambalal Sarabhai. Jim Sarbh, Ishwak Singh, Regina Cassandra, Rajit Kapoor, and Saba Azad appear in prominent roles. The series uses comedy to narrate an important chapter in India’s scientific development. If you are planning on watching the series, you might be interested in knowing all that we have to share!
What is Rocket Boys About?
Legendary physicists Dr. Homi Jehangir Bhabha (AKA Father of the Indian Nuclear Program) and Dr. Vikram Ambalal Sarabhai (AKA Father of the Indian Space Program) were crucial to the scientific and technological advancements in India. The series shines a light on their journey together – from how they meet to how they come to work together towards a common goal, albeit relying on their unique points of view. The show chronicles iconic moments in Indian history, particularly from the 1940s to the 1960s. Now, since you are keen on watching the series, let us see how you can do that.
Is Rocket Boys on Netflix?
Although Netflix has an abundance of entertaining content, sadly ‘Rocket Boys’ is not a part of its impressive catalog. However, we can suggest other shows that you might enjoy watching instead. With that being said, you can try out ‘Amend: The Fight for America’ and ‘Challenger: The Final Flight.’
Is Rocket Boys on Amazon Prime Video?
No, the historical series is not available on Amazon Prime Video. But fret not since the platform has similar shows that might be to your liking. We suggest watching ‘Across the Pacific’ and ‘A History of Black Achievement in America.’
Is Rocket Boys on Hotstar+?
Unfortunately, you will not find the historical series on Hotstar+. However, you may find it interesting to watch a series about the Sino-Indian War titled ‘1962: The War in the Hills.’
Where to Watch Rocket Boys Online?
‘Rocket Boys’ is exclusively streaming on SonyLIV, and you can watch the series here. Apart from the mentioned platform, there is no other way to watch the show. So, we recommend subscribing to SonyLIV if you haven’t already.
How to Stream Rocket Boys for Free?
Only the series premiere is available for free streaming on SonyLIV. To watch the rest of the show, you will require a Premium subscription. The monthly plan will cost you INR 299 (approximately $4), while the annual plan can be purchased for INR 999 (approximately $13). We encourage you to rely on legal ways of watching your favorite content online. Therefore, purchasing a subscription is the best way forward.
Read More: Is Rocket Boys Based on a True Story?