Directed by Michael Civille, Lifetime’s ‘The Ex Obsession’ is a mystery thriller movie that focuses on a happily married couple — Kim and John. When they attend a company event, the pair comes across John’s new coworker Grant, who happens to be Kim’s ex-boyfriend. However, Kim and Grant decide to keep their history a secret to avoid spoiling John’s mood. One day when John sees the ex-lovers together, he gets jealous.
When John tries to confront Kim about it, she avoids him. Things go from bad to worse when John catches Kim and Grant on the sofa, which results in John killing him. In order to avoid getting implicated, the married couple resorts to some extreme measures, including John impersonating Grant. With jealousy being one of the central themes, many of you might ponder whether or not ‘The Ex Obsession’ is inspired by reality.
The Ex Obsession is Not Rooted in Reality
No, ‘The Ex Obsession’ is not based on true events. Instead, the credit for the enthralling storyline must be given to the writer Ellen Huggins, who is known for ‘Good Wife’s Guide to Murder,’ ‘The Rachels,’ ‘Murder at the Murder Mystery Party,’ and ‘I Am Watching You.’ Besides his experience in the industry, he made the most of his creative mind and excellent penmanship to craft the gripping screenplay for the Lifetime production.
In reality, many people have made headlines for murdering their lovers’ ex-partners in a fit of rage. For instance, a retired Darrin Lopez was found guilty of killing a 49-year-old American Airlines employee named James “Jamie” Faith on October 9, 2020, while he was with his wife, Jennifer Faith. Reportedly, at the time, Darrin and Jennifer were having an emotional affair wherein the latter lied to Darrin about her getting abused by her husband. Although the motive for the murder was different, the involvement of a love triangle makes it quite a similar case as portrayed in ‘The Ex Obsession.’
One of the primary reasons why some of you might find the themes and elements of the Lifetime film familiar is that they have been covered in various other movies and TV shows over the years. The 1999 mystery thriller film titled ‘A Clean Kill,’ helmed by Roxanne Messina Captor, has to be one of the aptest examples. Featuring impressive onscreen performances from some talented actors, including Roxana Zal, Perry King, Daniel Benzali, and Terrence ‘T.C.’ Carson, and alternately titled ‘Her Married Lover,’ the narrative follows single and unmarried Katie Griffin who starts an adulterous affair with married suspense writer Richard Mannhart. When their affair turns into something serious, he promises to leave his wife Laura. Soon after that, she meets with a suspicious accident that becomes the reason for her demise.
Connecting the dots, the police suspect Richard and Katie and accuse them of murder. With their backs against the wall, the adulterous couple turns on each other. Thus, similar plotlines that include murder and jealousy make the two movies in question seemingly linked. All in all, despite ‘The Ex Obsession’ containing realistic elements, it doesn’t change the fact that it is a work of fiction.
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