Maggie Wu: Where is the Real Estate Agent Now?

Image Credit: Maggie Wu/Instagram

Netflix’s ‘Owning Manhattan’ gives us a glimpse into the cutthroat and high-stakes world of real estate by focusing on SERHANT, the sixth most prominent real estate agency in the US. The intense competition prompted the agents to be constantly vigilant about their progress, making it familiar to see new additions to the team and veteran agents leaving for better opportunities. Maggie Wu, one of the most successful agents associated with the agency, also chose to leave, illustrating how the game can change for the players overnight and how they must always be prepared for better opportunities.

Maggie Wu Moved From Hong Kong to Become a Real Estate Agent

Maggie Wu grew up in a large family in Hong Kong, where her passion for real estate developed. She finished high school in 2013 and then moved to New York. She enrolled at New York University to pursue a BA degree in Economics. Recognizing her talents and interests, she chose General Business as her minor. While in college, Maggie realized that her primary goal was to make money. This realization led her to take up her first job in 2014.

She began her career as a Venture Capital Analyst in July 2014, where she worked for a year. She learned how to pitch, manage, and market portfolio companies within Star Farm Ventures during that time. In 2017, the year she graduated, she joined Corcoran as part of the Jin Chen team, taking up the position of Senior Sales Associate. She sourced and generated over USD 45 million in NYC residential real estate sales. In 2019, when her team transitioned to Compass, a leading real estate agency based in New York, Maggie joined them and became a Junior Partner within the team.

Maggie Wu Left SERHANT to go Back to Compass

Maggie Wu’s association with SERHANT began in May 2022, and she impressively honed her skills in residential real estate dealings, negotiations, and sales and marketing. At SERHANT, she had the opportunity to spread her wings and build her team, which she named The W Team. This all-female group quickly ascended the ranks, boasting a robust portfolio and closing significant deals, making Maggie indispensable to SERHANT. In 2023, she closed $102,683,254 in sales volume, and her team earned the #21 rank in New York City and #336 rank in New York State, awarded by RealTrends for small teams.

In July 2023, after establishing herself and her team as prominent players in the real estate market, Maggie felt that her progress at SERHANT could have been better. She informed Ryan of her decision to change companies and returned to Compass, bringing her team. This move shocked many within SERHANT and even made local news. Maggie issued a public statement emphasizing that her primary goal was to fulfill her client’s needs, and she believed she could better achieve this through Compass. The company also expressed joy at having her back, welcoming her return with enthusiasm.

Maggie Wu is a Trend-Setter in Her Industry Today

Since returning to Compass, Maggie and her team—Isabelle Van Oppen, Olivia Marquez, Michelle Pinner, and Kathy Liu—have experienced great success. In December 2023, they closest a deal worth $38 million, marking their entry into the $30M club, and it was also the biggest sale of their career. They have been commended for their teamwork and the kind of coordination with which they work; their principle of not letting each other down has greatly worked in their favor.

In May 2024, Maggie took her first international trip to the Cayman Islands, where she swam with stingrays and had the opportunity to connect with her team, reenergizing them for the year ahead. Her rapid progress has not gone unnoticed, and she is highly regarded in the industry as an expert. In the same month, Maggie was invited to speak as a panelist at the Harvard State Symposium, where she shared her journey and the dedication required to reach her current level of success.

Maggie Wu Loves Going on Vacations With Her Family

After managing and juggling a hectic career that demands her attention almost all the time, Maggie deserves some time off. Following the weddings of her brother, Charles Wu, and her sister, Katherine Wu, in August 2023, Maggie hadn’t had the chance to take a vacation. In late May 2024, she embarked on a two-week trip to Europe. She began in Italy, where she attended a wedding, then traveled to Ibiza and Montenegro, ensuring she enjoyed all the food, exotic locales, and fun she could squeeze in.

The 29-year-old, who draws energy and love from her big family, spent much time with them during this vacation. She now swears by Switzerland and Spain as two of her favorite vacation spots. Maggie looks forward to more travel and family time, possibly combining them, and seems very comfortably placed in life and content with her achievements and personal experiences.

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