Who Was Marni Yang Married to? Where is He Now?

The fate of Marni Yang was sealed when her conversation with her friend Christi Paschen turned out to be the crucial piece of evidence that would solidify the fact that Yang killed a pregnant Rhoni Reuter. Rhoni Reuter was the former NFL player, Shaun Gayle’s girlfriend, for over 17 years. In 2007, she was found shot to death in her apartment.

Marni Yang was sentenced to life for the murder. After almost a decade of having spent her life in prison, she now claims that she is innocent. A series of new evidence posited by her lawyer Jed Stone points at how there is no credible evidence that proves that Yang is guilty of the crime. This won them the opportunity to look through evidence that the defense believes the prosecution toyed around with to hide the truth of the whole picture. From crime scene photos, a fingerprint, and a phone call before Yang’s so-called confession, there is now a plethora of evidence for the case to go for a re-trial.

All this apart, it is important to look into the past to see the bits of information that played against Marni Yang. One of them was her ex-husband Yen Yang.

Who Is Yen Yang?

Marni married Yen Yang in 1990, in Skokie. The couple, however, did not stay together very long as they started living separately by 1995. The two had met at Illinois State University, where they studied together. She is believed to have stalked him even when they were in a relationship.

Yen Yang has admitted to the fact that Marni had threatened him with multiple suicide threats that hinged on her attempting to take pills. In college, as she was dating Yang, Marni is believed to have pursued her relationship with her ex. Thus, there were frequent problems in their relationship before they decided they would call it quits.

It was Marni Yang who applied for a divorce in 1997. She also took custody of their three children and had even gotten a court protection order after an alleged claim that Yen Yang had threatened both her and her children. Thus, it prevented Yen from keeping any contact with Marni and the children.

She is also believed to have been involved with several police officers during her marriage with Yen Yang, especially one married police officer, who said that she tried to cause problems in his family. She is presumed to have met this police officer during Chicago’s community policing program she was briefly a part of. This is also regarded as one of the reasons why their relationship went sour.

Where Is Yen Yang Now?

The last of Yen Yang’s notable presence was when he came forward to give statements regarding their brief marriage. This came as an attestation to the fact Marni Yang had a tendency to be obsessive by stalking, and threatening people when things do not go her way. While this may or may not be true, it did play a part in establishing Marni Yang’s character during the trial with the evidence of her having gone through Shaun Gayle’s mails, collecting information of his other girlfriends and sending it to Reuters.

Read More: Where Are Marni Yang’s Children Now?