5. Avengers (2012)
This movie is easily one of Marvel’s biggest – they built up to it and they got it – earth’s mightiest heroes The Avengers. They fought off Loki and an alien invasion. The mid credit scene teased Thanos (yeah we can’t wait for Infinity War) but the end credit scene was truly inspired. Joss Whedon shows our superheroes in a mundane setting – doing exactly what Tony Stark suggested towards the end of the film – trying shwarma. They are battle worn, tired and hungry and silently eat their food amongst the rubble lying in the shwarma joint in a nearly destroyed city. A wonderful regular end to a high action superhero movie, Whedon takes the cake with this insightful and light-hearted ending.
4. Iron Man (2008)
Captain America might have been the first avenger but Iron Man started the MCU movie arc and the film saw Marvel begin to include informative post-credit scenes. The movie saw Tony Stark return after declaring to the world that he was Iron Man, only to see Nick Fury waiting for him at his home. This signified that Iron Man himself would be getting another movie and the representative from SHIELD would feature in it. It also signaled the kickstart of the Avengers initiative which meant not only an Avengers movie but standalone movies of all the members. We haven’t had movies on Hawkeye and Black Widow yet but we would love to, but the rock that MCU was built on was Iron Man and the post credit scene reinforces that.
3. Ferris Bueller’s Day Off (1986)
An excellent example of breaking the fourth wall and meta references, this post-credit scene sees Ferris Bueller dress up in a bathrobe and emerge and tell the audience to go home since it’s over. A clever end to a sublimely made comedy, this film not only drew attention to the lack of post-credit scenes at that time but also raised the existential question of the movie character -insofar as the character did not exist. This post credit served the basis for a lot of later meta references and if you can guess the next movie on the list that plays on this reference then treat yourself to a cookie!
2. Deadpool (2016)
Trust Marvel to take a great thing and make it better. The Merc with a mouth is famous for breaking the fourth wall, meta-references, and pop culture parodies when he is not slashing mutilating or killing people. The post-credit scene is a true masterpiece as it is a spoof of, you guessed it, Ferris Bueller’s Day Off. Wade appears in the same bathrobe and delivers the same lines before taking a dig at Iron Man’s post-credits as well asking if we expected Nick Fury to show up. While most scenes tease information about the sequel, Deadpool gives it to us straight. He talks about the sequel and informs us of Cable and the possible casting chances. A truly brilliant end to a fun movie keeping in character with the person who rarely takes anything seriously.
1. Airplane! (1980)
This brilliantly comic film probably saves the best joke for the end. The movie shows, at the beginning cab driver Ted asking a passenger to wait for him as he chases after the love of his life. The events unfurl in the airplane as we know and we have forgotten all about the passenger until the very end where the shot returns to him as he impatiently checks his watch and decides to give his driver another twenty minutes. A quirky move that turns the side character into the main one, this post-credit scene speaks to the brilliance and comic control that the makers of the film exude at every turn.
Read More: Best Movie Ending Scenes
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