The 2018 film ‘Molly’s Game,’ follows the titular protagonist on a path of lucrative business dealings that turns into a criminal nightmare, attracting incriminating attention from the FBI. After an accident razes Molly Bloom’s plans of becoming an Olympic skier, the woman’s life takes an unpredictable turn as she falls into the business of running high-stakes Poker games for influential and affluent clients. However, after a series of missteps land her in trouble with the law, she finds herself in a fight for her reputation and morals with only defense lawyer Charlie Jaffey by her side.
In the earlier days, Molly worked as an assistant for Dean Keith, owner of the Cobra Lounge, where she learned everything there is to know about running financially fruitful Poker Nights. Therefore, Dean plays a notably significant role in Molly’s story by introducing her to the industry that will make and break her career. For the same reason, viewers must be curious to know if his character has a real-life basis in this biographical drama film.
Darin Feinstein: The Real Life Inspiration Behind Dean Keith
‘Molly’s Game’ dramatizes the real life of Molly Bloom, based on her 2014 autobiography, where she pens the tale about her experience with running a private Poker Game visited by many recognizable names. Yet, in the book, she chooses not to name every name, utilizing pseudonyms for many individuals she knew and worked with in real life. The woman was reluctant to expose any of her clients, preferring to keep the anonymity of people whose involvement in her business hadn’t already been made public through other channels.
Her former boss, whose initial Poker Nights paved the way for Bloom’s own events, was one such person. As such, Bloom introduces the man in her book as Reardon Green, who is later changed to Dean Keith in Aaron Sorkin’s film. Nevertheless, the real identity behind Green/Keith didn’t remain anonymous for long, with other sources confirming the character’s origins in his real-life counterpart Darin Feinstein. Back in the day, Feinstein co-owned the Viper Room, the real-life establishment behind The Cobra Lounge, where he employed Bloom as a cocktail waitress.
Reportedly, Tobey Maguire, the ‘Spider-Man’ and ‘The Great Gatsby’ actor, and Houston Curtis, TV Producer, approached Feinstein to move the Poker Game the duo hosted to the Viper Room. According to Houston Curtis’ account, Feinstein eagerly agreed to their proposition, setting up a Poker Room where he hired Bloom to serve drinks. Inversely — in Bloom’s autobiography, the woman asserts she had a more significant role in Feinstein’s venture, with her boss demanding her help to run the entire game.
Thus, she learned about the basics of what such business entails, including things like the music and food that should be served at such events. Either way, Bloom’s involvement with Feinstein’s business introduced her to the lucrative opportunity that was high-stakes Poker Night management. Eventually, the woman started holding her own “Celebrity Poker Nights” at places like Four Seasons and Plaza Hotel, where she asserted control. Consequently, Feinstein remains an evident real-life basis for Dean Keith’s character.
Darin Feinstein is a Philanthropist Who is Involved In Bitcoin Mining
During Molly Bloom’s employment under Darin Feinstein in the mid-2000s, the latter was an entrepreneur in the real estate industry. Furthermore, his co-ownership of the Viper Room — alongside his Poker Game venture — contributed to his professional life. However, these days, the man’s career has taken a slightly different turn. Feinstein, now primarily known as an attorney, specializes in distressed asset purchases through his self-founded banking firm. Additionally, Feinstein’s contribution toward co-founding the Core Scientific, a Bitcoin mining company, also remains a prominent milestone in his career.
While he isn’t involved in Core Scientific any longer, the man remains a managing member at another self-founded company, Red Mercury Entertainment. Alongside the same, he also dabbles in the Las Vegas restaurant business through establishments such as El Dorado Cantina and Rock and Reilly’s. Furthermore, Feinstein has taken well to philanthropy, establishing a foundation with Eddie Griffin, the Feinstein & Griffin Foundation, that focuses on advocating for children’s education and success. He’s also been a consistent supporter of The Shade Tree Organization, which works for the benefit of the unhoused community in Las Vegas.
The man is known for his food, entertainment, and monetary donations to the establishment, alongside continued promotion. However, Feinstein seems to prefer privacy in his personal life with a wife and two sons. Therefore, while viewers can receive updates about the man and his Bitcoin ventures from his X (formerly Twitter) account, there’s little information available about his private life. Still, he can occasionally be caught on his friend, Eddie Griffin’s Instagram. For instance, the latter shared an update about his visit to The Shade Tree with Feinstein in December of 2023. Thus, it seems Feinstein has moved on from the controversy he found himself a part of more than a decade ago and continues moving forward with his career and life.
Read More: Molly’s Game: Is Charlie Jaffey Based on a Real Lawyer?
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