‘My 600-lb Life‘ is a reality TV show that has garnered both attention and acclaim for its unflinching portrayal of individuals struggling with extreme obesity. Created by Jonathan Nowzaradan, the show offers viewers an inside look into the lives of people who battle life-threatening weight issues and their journey to reclaim their health and happiness. Season 3, which aired in 2015, introduced viewers to several individuals facing monumental challenges due to their excessive weight and unhealthy lifestyles. Some of them had resounding success, while others struggled to keep their weight off. If you are curious about the post-show lives of the season’s participants, we have got the answer right here:
Amber Rachdi is a Social Media Influencer Now
At just 23 years of age, Amber Rachdi began her journey on the season weighing a staggering 660 pounds. Under the guidance of Dr. Now and after undergoing bariatric surgery, she embarked on a life-altering transformation, shedding an astonishing 377 pounds. When the season ended, she weighed in at 236 pounds, marking a remarkable achievement. Since leaving the reality TV spotlight, Amber has continued to thrive.
Amber’s journey has also included a personal transition, as she changed pronouns from ‘she’ to ‘they,’ reflecting a deep sense of self-discovery and identity. With over 260K followers on Instagram, Amber has become a social media influencer, using her platform to inspire and support others facing similar challenges. Despite the hurdles posed by the pandemic, she has remained dedicated to her well-being, even engaging in activities like gardening, fishing, and working, all while maintaining a positive outlook on life.
Susan Farmer is Living a Quiet Life Today
Susan Farmer’s journey on season 3 of ‘My 600-lb Life’ was marked by her unwavering commitment to transforming her life. At the age of 37, Susan weighed 607 pounds when she joined the show, describing her life as miserable. Her dedication to change, combined with Dr. Now’s guidance, led her to lose significant weight, ultimately qualifying her for gastric bypass surgery.
In 2018, Susan revealed that she was still living in Eddy, Texas, and she had trimmed her weight down to around 200 pounds, a stark contrast to her initial appearance on the show. In fact, she tried on jeans after about 3 decades and was excited to start a new chapter in her life. However, her journey was not without challenges, as she faced health complications like neuropathy, a nerve condition resulting from years of carrying excess weight. Nevertheless, she persevered, underwent physical therapy, and regained her mobility. While Susan’s online presence may be limited, we do know that she has been working as a caseworker at EMSI and has managed to keep the weight off.
Pauline Potter is Living a Healthier Lifestyle Today
Pauline Potter began her episode as the heaviest woman alive, as recognized by the Guinness Book of World Records in 2011, weighing 643 pounds. During her time on the show, Pauline faced several hurdles, including weight gain, after initially meeting Dr. Now. Even though she faced setbacks and complications, including a failed first attempt at gastric bypass surgery, Pauline’s determination prevailed. Dr. Now eventually completed the procedure, setting her on the path to success.
Pauline’s journey included skin removal and knee replacement surgeries, and by the end of her ‘Where Are They Now?’ episode, she weighed 170 pounds, having lost over 520 pounds in total. However, because of being overweight for years, she has had a few knee issues and had to undergo total knee replacement. There have been several rumors over the years surrounding her death, but she is alive, living a healthier lifestyle in Sacramento, California, with her two pups, and is dedicated to maintaining her weight loss.
Bettie Jo Elmore is Enjoying Family Life Today
Bettie Jo Elmore’s journey on ‘My 600-lb Life’ resonated with the audience due to her commitment to improving her health and relationship with her husband, Josh. Starting at 654 pounds at the age of 24, she worked closely with Dr. Now to achieve her weight loss goals. Her journey included therapy to address relationship issues, ultimately leading to her marriage with Josh. In 2016, when she was pregnant with her son Preston, she had a cancerous mass removed from her spine. Fortunately, over the years, her relationship with her husband has grown better, especially after she had trauma and co-dependency counseling.
In 2021, Bettie Jo and Josh celebrated over a decade of marriage and welcomed their second child, a son named Ollie, in the summer of 2022. Despite facing challenges, including high-risk pregnancies and a broken ankle, she remains focused on her weight loss journey. While she continues to work towards her goals, she often shares pictures of her sons, showcasing her dedication to her family’s well-being. Currently, Bettie Jo is living in Missouri with her family and even started a new job in 2021, though she didn’t share any details about it.
Angel Parrish is Focusing on Her Health Today
Angel Parrish’s journey on ‘My 600-lb Life’ highlighted her battle with fast-food addiction and her determination to regain control of her life. She started her journey at 570 pounds and achieved a remarkable transformation, ultimately weighing around 250 pounds at the end of her weight-loss journey. Her journey was not without its share of challenges, including complications that led to the installation of a feeding tube without consulting Dr. Now.
However, this didn’t stop Angel and ultimately, she persevered and underwent knee replacement and skin removal surgeries. By the end of 2016, she had undergone knee replacement and skin removal surgeries and weighed around 170 pounds. Currently residing in Austin, Texas, her story continues to resonate with those who face addiction and depression, offering hope and encouragement.
Joe Wexler is Focusing on His Family Today
One of the standout success stories from Season 3 is Joe Wexler, who exhibited tremendous determination and commitment to transforming his life. At the beginning of his journey on ‘My 600-lb Life,’ Joe’s weight had soared to a staggering 777 pounds, posing significant health risks and limiting his mobility. With the guidance of Dr. Now, Joe embarked on a remarkable transformation, shedding approximately 500 pounds, ultimately reaching a healthier weight of around 275 pounds. His journey was not without its challenges, including a divorce in 2019 that plunged him into a dark place emotionally.
Sadly, Joe faced another devastating blow when his mother passed away on September 20, 2022, at the age of 57. Despite these hardships, Joe’s unwavering faith played a pivotal role in helping him cope with these losses. On a more positive note, Joe’s journey towards better health also led him to meet his girlfriend, Sarah, through an online weight loss support group. They got married in 2016 but eventually divorced due to her alleged infidelity issues. Joe admitted to experiencing a setback in his weight loss journey due to the emotional toll of the divorce. Nevertheless, he managed to get back on track.
Following his divorce, Joe returned to Tennessee and reconnected with a friend he had known for over 12 years. They tied the knot, and Joe even adopted her daughter. He pursued a career in IT and, commendably, decided to further his education by working towards earning an IT doctorate. Despite the chronic pain caused by a spine injury dating back to 2016, Joe remains resilient and optimistic about his future. He expressed gratitude for the support he received and shared insights into his day-to-day life, which includes his child starting high school in the fall of 2023 and working on their house with his wife.
How Did Laura Perez Die?
Laura Perez’s journey on ‘My 600-lb Life‘ during Season 3 was marked by her determination to reclaim her life from the clutches of extreme obesity. Weighing at 597 pounds, she embarked on a mission to shed the excess weight and regain her health. Through her sheer determination and the guidance of Dr. Now, she managed to lose a remarkable 50 pounds on her own to qualify for weight loss surgery.
Dr. Now performed surgery to remove 80% of her stomach fat, helping her reach a healthier weight of 357 pounds by the end of her journey on the show. Her life took a positive turn as she divorced her ex-husband, Joey, and married Eric Juarez in 2018, and they went on to have two children together. However, it is with a heavy heart that we report that Laura Perez tragically passed away in November 2021 at the age of 48. Her weight loss journey remains an inspiring testament to her determination and strength.
Charity Pierce is Spending Time With Family
Charity Pierce’s journey on ‘My 600-lb Life’ was marked by numerous challenges, both in her battle against extreme obesity and her personal life. She started her journey on the show weighing nearly 800 pounds, facing not only her weight issues but also a flesh-eating bacterium infection, a divorce, family deaths, and other personal tragedies. Throughout her time on the season, she underwent multiple surgeries, including the removal of excess skin, to achieve a significant weight loss of 440 pounds. However, her health struggles continued as she gained weight again and had to see a therapist with her daughter Charly.
In 2019, Charity, Charly, and her fiance Tony moved to Iowa, where the latter reportedly ended up having a relationship with Charity’s sister and got her pregnant, causing Charity to fall into depression. Even though she turned to food, cigarettes, and alcohol for a while, she eventually recovered and lost 29 pounds. Unfortunately, she was also diagnosed with kidney cancer in December 2019 and had to undergo a procedure to get her kidneys removed.
After her third skin surgery in 2019, Charity had a painkiller overdose and became unresponsive. The following year, it was revealed that Charly had moved back to Iowa in order to get away from her unhealthy dynamic with her mother. This was hard on Charity, and she started drinking again, but eventually moved to Iowa and reunited with her daughter. She started Dr. Now’s program again, and by the end of it, she weighed under 300 pounds. Currently, she is spending time with her daughter and grandchildren and keeping the weight off.
Chay Guillory is Embracing Her Career Goals Now
Chay Guillory’s journey on ‘My 600-lb Life’ during Season 3 was a testament to resilience and self-discovery. At the start of the show, he weighed approximately 600 pounds and faced emotional and physical challenges linked to her weight, including using food as a coping mechanism. During her time on the show, she lost 219 pounds, showcasing her determination to transform her life.
However, her transformation extended beyond weight loss, as Chay realized her identity as a transgender woman and wanted everyone to call her Lola. Later, she realized that she didn’t like the name and switched back to Chay, embracing her true self. After her appearance on the show, she continued her journey towards self-acceptance and underwent gender reassignment surgery. As of now, she is married to Patrick Mulvey in February 2020 and often shares her life and experiences with her fans. She also started a new job at a hotel in May 2021 and has been working there since.
Marla McCants is a Motivational Speaker Today
Marla McCants’ journey on ‘My 600-lb Life’ season 3 was marked by extreme obesity, health struggles, and a determined quest for a healthier life. At the start of her journey, Marla weighed approximately 800 pounds, posing grave health risks. Under the guidance of Dr. Now, she underwent a remarkable transformation, shedding a significant amount of weight and ultimately reaching a weight of about 225 pounds. Her weight loss journey also brought about a profound change in her life and outlook.
Marla transitioned into becoming a motivational speaker and health advocate, traveling across the country to share her story of weight loss, trauma, and family dynamics. She became a mother to a boy named Amari, and her life took on a new purpose. Despite her success, Marla faced personal challenges, including the loss of her cousin, Maurice Taylor, in 2022. Nevertheless, she continues her mission of inspiring others and maintaining her newfound healthy lifestyle.
Read More: My 600 lb Life Season 2: Where Are They Now?
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