‘My Teen is Pregnant And So Am I’ is a reality television series that premiered on TLC in 2013. The show follows the lives of several pregnant teenage girls and their mothers, who simultaneously expect babies. The series explores the challenges and joys of their unique situation as they navigate pregnancy and childbirth and the complexities of their relationships with each other and their partners. Each episode focuses on a different family as they prepare for the arrival of their new babies and learn to cope with the realities of being pregnant together. Naturally, such an interesting premise is bound to raise curiosity around the reality stars’ lives, and thus, we decided to find out where the ‘My Teen is Pregnant And So Am I’ cast is at present!
Lemhele and Shaniyah Hunt Are Leading a Private Life Today
It is indeed hard to have a teen daughter be pregnant when the emotional turmoil and financial strain affect a single mother’s mental well-being. For Lemhele, it was devasting to see her 14-year-old daughter be five months pregnant. The Bronx, New York resident was also pregnant and a single mom of 5 kids. Being the sole bread earner of a family of 8 in 3 bedroom house was not easy. However, she pushed hard—working different jobs, and finally, the mother-daughter duo gave birth to Jase and Kamira, respectively.
Lemhele is likely working at DSP Yai, and both the mother and daughter prefer to stay off social media due to unnecessary media attention. Shaniyah Hunt completed her high school education at CUNY PREP High School and now works at the retail brand Forever 21 as a Lead Supervisor. She is also employed at
Lorna and Chae Childers Prefer to Keep Their Lives Private Now
While 41-year-old Lorna (age during filming) was pregnant with her fifth, her 19-year-old daughter was also expecting. This puts their domestic situation in a problematic state. Though Chae seemed fine and was on board with the idea, she expressed her concerns. She revealed she wanted attention to go on her and her baby instead of her mom’s. However, after pushing through the problem, she accepted and became closer to her baby brother.
Both mother and daughter prefer to keep their personal lives under wraps, so they keep a low profile on social media. We are unsure if Chuck, Lorna’s then-boyfriend, is still in the picture, nor is there any information regarding Austin, Chae’s boyfriend. However, Chae Childers changed her life entirely and works as Service Account Manager at Schaefer Systems International. The Rock Hill, South Carolina resident started her position in 2019. Before joining her present company, she worked as an Accounts Receivable Specialist at Arbon Equipment Corporation. Lorna Childers is a stay-at-home mom busy making her beautiful children’s lives easier.
Kristi and Kim Ray Are Thriving in Their Motherhood Journey
St. Augustine, Florida, residents Kristi and Bill were expecting a baby while their 16-year-old daughter Kimberly was pregnant. The parents were very disappointed in their teen daughter, as Kim’s baby daddy Michael was a problem child in rehab. Kim was always a brilliant student, and her parents felt that early pregnancy would hinder her plans of studying nursing and following her dreams. However, Kim proved them wrong and continued her education.
After pursuing her nursing degree from St. Johns River State College, Kim became a registered nurse. She is employed at HCA Florida Orange Park Hospital as Labor and Delivery Nurse. The reality TV star also found her soulmate and is married to Jonathan Baker; the pair are currently expecting another child. Kristi is still happily married to Bill and lives with their whole family in Saint Augustine, Florida. She started a new position at St. Johns County School District in 2020 and is living the best mom life.
Nicole and Mariah Are Leading a Quiet Life Now
A resident of Fresno, California, 34-year-old Nicole was expecting her sixth child overall and the second one with her boyfriend, AJ, with whom she shared an on-and-off relationship. The daughter of a teen mom and one herself, she hoped her daughter, Mariah, would not follow the same pattern and build a successful future. However, the 16-year-old became pregnant with her boyfriend, Josh, and was adamant about keeping the baby. This significantly strained Nicole and Mariah’s relationship, with the latter being upset with her mother’s boyfriend’s inconsistent presence.
Not just that, the teenager resented her mother for having too many children, and thus, she moved into her grandmother’s home earlier. When she got pregnant, Nicole believed that her daughter had done so deliberately to spite her, and matters worsened when Mariah’s boyfriend moved in with her. On the other hand, the 34-year-old mother’s troubles escalated when her suspicions of AJ cheating on her proved true. After he moved out, Nicole decided to be a single parent. Unfortunately, her and Mariah’s relationship had been badly affected over the past six months, and the latter initially refused to help with her mother’s C-section.
Though the fate of their bond was uncertain on the show, Mariah and Nicole have embraced privacy to avoid any unnecessary attention since filming ended. Their decision to keep their personal lives away from the public eye is understandable, given the scrutiny that reality TV stars often face. Nevertheless, we wish Nicole, Mariah, and their kids the best in their lives and hope they have reconciled with each other.
Ann and Liz Forbes Prefer to Lead a Low-Key Life Today
17-year-old Liz Forbes from Oklahoma City, Oklahoma, was expecting her first child with her boyfriend, Chris. Though her mother, 37-year-old Ann Forbes, was fully supportive and excited to be a grandma, things turned awkward a month later when the latter announced her third pregnancy. While Liz deeply loved her mom, she was slightly miffed that she was hogging the attention she wanted for herself. Nevertheless, the mother-daughter duo was one of the few on the show who treated each other as best friends and even went shopping for their upcoming babies together.
Being a teen mom herself, Ann ensured that Liz got the acceptance and support she needed and was optimistic that she and Chris would make great parents. Meanwhile, she dealt with the recent loss of her job and the arrival of Jim, her ex-husband and the father of her unborn baby. As the couple argued over parental rights, Liz returned to her mother’s house to help her. Eventually, the teenager gave birth to an adorable baby boy named Tyson, yet the newfound responsibilities of parenthood overwhelmed her. Besides, she struggled to make ends meet with her job as a fast-food waitress.
Luckily, Ann and her mother, Crystal, stepped in to help Liz with her son, and soon Ann gave birth to her third child. Despite the challenges, the mother-daughter duo began respecting each other even more, with Liz acknowledging Ann’s struggles and sacrifices as a single parent when she raised her. Though they got closer due to their appearance on the show, they have since kept their present lives under wraps and seldom share any details on public platforms. Yet, from what we can tell, Ann is currently in her 40s and resides in Yukon, Oklahoma, while Liz is in her 20s and still lives in Oklahoma City.
Melissa and Kristen Phillips Are Focusing on Family Life Today
Greenville, South Carolina mother-daughter Melissa and Kristen Phillips found themselves at constant loggerheads throughout the show. 40-year-old Melissa was pregnant with her eighth child when her 17-year-old daughter shocked her with the news of her own pregnancy. Kristen was expecting her first baby with Derek, her boyfriend of almost three years, whom her mother and stepfather, Jason, strongly disapproved of.
Moreover, Melissa was unhappy that her honor roll student daughter had been sexually active behind her back and defied the Christian upbringing she was intent on giving her. Nevertheless, the teenager was confident she could finish school and raise her baby and was keen to prove her mother wrong. Despite both women having a joint baby shower, they continued having friction between them. Kristen and Melissa would avoid talking about their pregnancies with each other and struggled to maintain their relationship.
Yet, the situation lightened up a bit after Kristen gave birth to her son, Hudson, and her mother welcomed a healthy baby boy named Noah. In the years after filming ended, things seem to have positively changed for the Phillips ladies. After separating from Derek, Kristen tied the knot with Aaron Michael Mills in December 2015. Along with Hudson, the couple raises their two adorable daughters in Greer, South Carolina. On the other hand, Melissa still resides in Greenville and celebrated 26 years of togetherness with her husband, Jason, in February 2023. She is a doting mom to all her eight children, including Noah and Kristen.
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