My Tiny Senpai Episode 4 Recap: I’m Not Sure Yet

In ‘Uchi no Kaisha no Chiisai Senpai no Hanashi’ or ‘My Tiny Senpai’ episode 4 titled ‘When It Comes to Him, I’m Not Sure Yet…’ Akina finds Hayakawa heading to an otaku event wearing a cosplay dress. She is obviously embarrassed that his manager now knows about her hobby. However, Akina later expresses his desire to join her. On the Halloween day, Katase ends up eating chocolates with alochol in them. Tha’s when Akina asks her about her feelings for Shinozaki.

Hayakawa Goes to an Otaku Event

Since there is an otaku event in the city, Hayakawa gets into her cosplay dress and decides to go there. She is quite disturbed by the fact that the event is held so far and is complaining about the inconvenience in her head. That’s when she is shocked to be approached by the manager who obviously recognizes her. Since Hayakawa feels embarrased, she tells him that she is not who thinks he is. Obviously this does not work and Akina actually ends up praising her for having hobbies.

Later that night, Hayakawa tries to work on a manuscript for her manga but is unable to come up with any ideas despite working late. The next day, she feels really sleepy at work and Shinozaki notices that. Interestingly, Akina asks her for dinner. When the two eventually get to talk that evening, Akina expresses her desire to go to a otaku event with her. This naturally shocks Hayakawa who has been expecting something different from him.

The next day, Akina and Katase end up talking about Shinozaki and Hayakawa’s long friendship. The conversation than turns towards different relationships between people in the office. When Shinozaki and Hayakawa go for lunch, the latter informs him that the manager found out that she is an otaku. She is thankful that he does not know about her obssession with Boys love manga. Unfortunately, Akina and Katase have been listening to them from the next table and join them after that.

Does Katase Confess Her Feelings for Shinozaki?

On Halloween day, Shinozaki is surprised by Katase who greets him wearing a pumpkin cutout. Interestingly, Akina is also in the mood to celebrate and sits at his table wearing cat ears. When Hayakawa goes to meet him, he makes her wear one as well, which embarrasses her. Although she desperately wants to take them off, she could not muster the courage to say it directly to the manager. Later that day, Shinozaki and Katase are eating chocolate together.

Out of nowhere, Katase asks Shinozaki to feed him one and opens her mouth. At that moment, Takuma feels so embarrassed that he can barely say anything. He slowly musters all his courage to try and feed Katase but it’s too late by then. Katase eats a piece of chocolate on her own. But then she starts acting strangely for some reason. When Hayakawa enters the room, she starts kissing him everywhere while Akina takes their photos.

It turns out that Katase has eaten one of the chocolates with alcohol in them, which is why she is not really in control of herself. After she is done with Hayakawa, she approaches the manager. The way she walks towards him, it appears that Katase may end up doing something inappropriate which worries Shinozaki. But it turns out that she just wants to thank her boss for working so hard.

Eventually, Katase turns her attention towards Shinozaki. This makes him even more nervous as he feels that he is not ready to process a confession at the moment. But it turns out that she just recalled his early days at the company and is proud of the fact that he has managed to come so far. Katase is visibly emotional and hugs Shinozaki. Akina feels that this is the perfect time to corner her and asks her what she feels about him as a person. Interestingly, Katase says that she not sure about him yet.

Read More: My Tiny Senpai Episode 3 Recap and Ending, Explained