‘The Girl on the Train’ is a psychological crime thriller that follows, Mira, a young courageous lawyer, whose world turns upside down after she accepts to fight a case against a gangster. As the story progresses, the familiar turns strange as the complexities of the relationship between the characters are revealed. The story is full of twists and turns with surprises waiting for the viewers at every corner. The film is headlined by Parineeti Chopra who has done a remarkable job along with the co-stars, Aditi Rao Hydari, Kirti Kulhari, Avinash Tiwary, Hiten Patel, and others. If you haven’t seen the movie yet, you should go right ahead and watch it on Netflix. SPOILER AHEAD!
The Girl on the Train Plot Synopsis
‘The Girl on the Train’ is a puzzling tale of love, betrayal, and revenge. Mira, a valiant lawyer, has a miscarriage after a car accident. She does not handle it well and resorts to alcoholism to deal with the pain. Mira’s short-temper, amnesia, and inability to deal with the psychological trauma of losing her child affect all her relationships. Shekhar, her husband cheats on her and divorces her to marry Anjali. As her life falls apart, Mira finds solace in looking at a young happy woman, Nusrat, who seems to have everything she can ever want, through her train window.
However, things quickly start falling apart as one day a suspicion that brings Mira to Nusrat’s house eventually leads to the murder of the latter. As the investigation of Nusrat’s murder puts Mira under suspicion, she runs away only to discover a web of lies, and deception.
The Girl on the Train Ending: Is Mira Really the Killer?
Mira’s investigation into the murder of Nusrat leads her to Walter’s house where she confronts her ex-husband, Shekhar. Mira doesn’t waste much time and with a blow to his head renders him unconscious as she waits for someone else to come. Mira goes to the adjacent room where she looks for the details of the car that killed Walter. It turns out that the owner of the car is Jimmy Bagga, the gangster that she put in jail. He is not alive anymore and in a surprising turn of events, it is revealed that the police officer investigating the case of Nusrat, is in fact, Jimmy Bagga’s daughter, Dalbeer Kaur Bagga.
Mira gets back some of her memories of the night she saw someone chasing Nusrat in the jungle. The pictures in the room prove that it was Dalbeer, who confesses that she came to the forest chasing Mira. She saw her lying on the ground and was strangling her to death when out of nowhere, Nusrat arrives and sees her.
Aware that there is only one way out of the situation, Dalbeer murders Nusrat. But this is not the first time that Dalbeer tries to kill someone. In fact, she is the one who hit Shekhar and Mira’s car. Burning with the desire to avenge the death of her father, she wants to destroy Mira, who fought the case against her father and put him in jail, but Mira survives the accident. When Dalbeer kills Nusrat, she realizes that it is the perfect opportunity for her to frame Mira. Since there is evidence of Mira’s presence at the murder spot, the plan seems perfect.
Interestingly, Mira reveals that she was aware that the killer of Walter has her phone. So, in order to catch the murderer red-handed, Mira herself sends messages that ultimately bring Dalbeer to Walter’s house. One step ahead of Dalbeer, Mira accidentally kills her in their scuffle to get the gun from one another.
With Dalbeer dead, Mira puts the gun in Shekhar’s hand who is unconscious. It is important to question Mira’s actions in the end as she puts the blame for Dalbeer’s murder on Shekhar, who did not even know her. Even though Shekhar is not a trustworthy or respectable man but it does not imply that Mira is justified in letting him pay for a crime that he did not even commit.
Mira’s Moral Dilemma
Although Mira does not kill Dalbeer deliberately, in the end, she does let Shekhar take the blame for her crime. As a young courageous woman, it is tough to assume that she will live happily ever after what she has done. Since she is not afraid to put her life in danger for others, it is natural that a person like her will carry the weight of murdering someone, for the rest of her life. As a lawyer, she will never forgive herself for the extrajudicial murder, no matter what sort of person Dalbeer was. So, the presumption that Mira’s life finally has a happy ending is misguided. Although she consistently dreads being amnesic ever since her accident, but now she would love to forget her dark past.
What Happens to Shekhar After His Arrest?
We know that Shekhar gets arrested at the end of the film but what happens to him after that? Does he get convicted for the murder? Does he prove his innocence? Since Dalbeer goes to Walter’s house because of the text message that she receives on Mira’s phone, there are a number of logical inconsistencies that can prove Shekhar’s innocence. When Walter dies in the road accident, Mira steals his phone in broad daylight. The defendants will easily get CCTV camera footage or a witness. It is therefore likely that Shekhar must have managed to get out of prison in the future.
It is interesting to consider how two contrasting characters with different moral beliefs will probably have a completely different life than what they deserve. One on hand, we have Shekhar who has a good chance of getting out of jail because of all the evidence, and on the other hand, we have Mira, who stands for others but now likely has a dark future ahead of herself.
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