Over the course of four seasons, the Pogues in Netflix’s ‘Outer Banks’ have been through a lot of stuff. They have hunted for treasure, been hunted by some very bad people, have been shipwrecked, crash landed, shot at, stabbed, almost murdered, accused of murder, gotten rich, and broke within the span of a couple of years. Despite all these experiences, life still has surprises for them, and the fourth season puts them through some very challenging stuff. But in all the doom and gloom, there is also a flicker of happiness and hope, especially when Sarah reveals the good news. SPOILERS AHEAD
Sarah’s Pregnancy Changes the Priorities for Her and John B
While it is fun chasing after lost treasures across the world, the occupation does come with its own set of hazards. The lack of money and the promise of getting it by finding something that has not been found for hundreds of years gives the Pogues a strong motive to hunt for the said treasures, but it also puts them in very dangerous situations. By the end of Season 4, they learn the hard way that they are not invincible. Almost all of them have faced one or the other form of loss so far, most significantly, Sarah and John B, both of whom lost their fathers at the end of Season 3.

Since what happened with his father, which includes John B’s reunion with him and the discovery that his father can be pretty ruthless when it comes to treasure hunting, John B has been a bit skeptical about going on yet another treasure hunt. While he is intrigued by the quest, he starts to wonder if it’s all really worth it. More importantly, he wonders that if he stays on this path, will he eventually turn out like his father? This thought takes root even more when he almost shoots someone, even if that person is a bad guy. Over the course of the fourth season, we see a change in Sarah and John B, which sets them apart from the rest of the Pogues. They have been through too much now and all they want is to settle down together and focus on their future. But then, the Blue Crown comes along and they are distracted from that dream, not to mention the fact that they lose Poguelandia 2.0, which brings them back to square one all over again. This is why the revelation of the pregnancy changes everything.
In the second half of the fourth season, Sarah discovers that she is pregnant. Kiara is the first person to find out about it, even if accidentally. Later, Sarah breaks the news to John B, who is ecstatic about it. If he hadn’t already considered retiring from treasure hunting, the pregnancy confirms that settling down to a tamer lifestyle is what he needs to do next. So far, whenever they’d all been in dangerous situations, John B always worried about Sarah, and vice versa. Now, they also have their unborn child to worry about. And if all the near-death experiences they lived through weren’t enough to caution them, the tragic and shocking death of JJ certainly proves that they need to leave this life behind.
Sarah and John B’s Wedding Plans are Stalled But Not Cancelled

While Sarah and John B had talked about settling down and having kids, they didn’t think that it would happen so fast. During one of their conversations, Sarah even mentions that she is too young to be having kids right now. While she wants them, she wants them after she has lived a little. Still, when the pregnancy happens, she doesn’t have to think twice before knowing that she wants to go through with it. John B is of the same opinion, so the couple decides that they should get married. It happens at a time when things are not as chaotic. The idea is not to have a grand wedding but for the two of them to go to the courthouse and register for it. It’s such a secret that they don’t even tell their friends about it, except perhaps Kiara.
The couple is forced to change their plans when they discover that the office is closed, primarily due to the riots that happened in the city following the council meeting where they lost Poguelandia for good. Then, one thing leads to another, and they end up in Agapenta in Morocco, mourning for their dead friend and planning to avenge him by finding his biological father and bringing him to justice. Both Sarah and John B. know that they cannot walk away from the next step in the plan. They will go to Portugal to track down Chandler Groff and make him pay for what he did to JJ. But when that’s done, they know that they will walk away from all of it, even if not permanently. They will get married in Season 5, and it will most likely be when the storm has passed, and they are all out of danger. Their wedding would also add a sense of a happy ending to the final chapter of ‘Outer Banks,’ which is why perhaps the writers decided to leave it for the next and final season of the show.
Read More: Outer Banks: Why Did Groff Give Away JJ to Luke? Did Groff Kill Larissa and Wes Genrette?
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